Page 48 of Where We Met
"I think it's time we try some vino," Giorgio says as he claps his hands together in excitement. "Come."
We follow him down the line of barrels. As we walk, Luke places a hand on my lower back. My body instantly takes notice, craving more warmth from his touch. Not because it's cold down here but because it just knows his touch could evoke so many pleasurable feelings.
Luke leans in to whisper in my ear. "It's a good thing there's no wooden beams or logs in here to accidentally stab me in the face." He winks then takes the glass offered by Giovanni.
It takes me a second to rebound from his words. He's smirking at me now as he watches me attempt to pick my jaw up off the floor.
"For you," Giovanni says, pulling me out of my own thoughts.
I notice he's been holding out my glass for God knows how long.
"Oh, thank you. Sorry," I say as I take it from his hand.
"This is our brand that is set to be bottled next week. 2021 Chianti Classico Riserva. Made from our vineyard grapes in Chianti."
Giovanni motions for us to step up to the barrel with our cups, and one by one, we place them under the spigot as he twists the top to let the wine pour through.
I wait for everyone to get theirs, and once all of our glasses are full, I follow suit as they lift theirs in the air to cheers.
"Salute," we say in unison.
Shit, I feel like I'm in an Italian mafia family right now. Like we just finished off the enemy and are in our cold dungeon basement, drinking in celebration.
What the hell is with my imagination lately?
Am I still jet-lagged?
I must be.
Once we finish up with the cellar tour, we head back upstairs.
"Fellas, if you don't mind, I'm gonna show this lovely lady around for a bit," Luke says as we step outside.
"Assolutamente. Absolutely," Giorgio replies. "There's much beauty to see."
"I could take her around. I know the many hidden gems here for this bella signora to see." Giovanni steps up to me, tucking a hair behind my ear.
He's rather beautiful himself, and he’s made it very clear that he's attracted to me. I wonder if he has any clue that there'ssomethinggoing on between Luke and me. If I don't even know what to call it, I’m sure Giovanni hasn’t noticed anything.
I'm not sure what to say or do in this situation. I don’t want to be rude, but I don’t want to ruin Gianelli Family Selections’ chances of getting this business by saying no. I don't think Luke would want those types of people in his life, but the question is still bouncing around in my mind.
Before I have time to formulate a response, Luke's hand finds my hip. He pulls me toward him rather aggressively as his hand squeezes me tightly.
"I think I can handle it, Giovanni," Luke bites out. "Thank you so much for your very generous offer."
Giovanni winks at me. "Can't blame a guy for trying. We can meet back at the car in two hours."
Giorgio chuckles off to the side as he watches the entire interaction take place. I have no idea what he's finding so funny about this when I'm feeling terribly uncomfortable at the moment.
Luke takes my hand and directs me down a road in the other direction. We end up walking the street in silence as I take in all the details around me. I keep waiting for him to drop my hand, but he never does.
"Where are we going?" I eventually ask.
He looks down at me. "Do you like sugar?" he asks with a smile.
I raise an eyebrow at him. "Obviously."
"Then I think you'll like where we're going."