Page 55 of Where We Met
"I really would love to do business with you, Giorgio. Your wine is incredible, of course. But coming here, I can see it's more than that. Your family puts their life and love into it, and I want to share that with the world."
He remains silent for a while. "When we spoke over the phone, I thought you were like most American businessmen, someone who only cared about the money. I'm happy to say spending this time with you has changed my mind. You and Savannah are both lovely. I would be honored to do business with you."
He extends his hand, and I shake it. Of course, I'm happy about landing this deal, but I appreciate his kind words more. Giorgio is a stand-up man, and I'm honored that he can see there’s more to me than just someone looking to cut a deal.
We walk along the vines in silence, enjoying how peaceful it is out here. I can imagine this man’s blood pressure is phenomenal if he gets to spend his days like this.
"Is Savannah awake yet?" he asks, breaking the silence.
"No, she's sound asleep," I say before thinking better of it. I clear my throat. "I mean, I don't know. I haven't seen her around."
He starts to laugh at my obvious discomfort. "Ah, I see. She is very beautiful. I noticed the way you two looked at each other from the moment you arrived."
"She's my student."
"Non importante. Life is short. At the end of it, those details don't matter. What matters is that you follow your heart."
Only Giorgio can make it sound so simple. I shake my head, knowing it's not.
"Colazione, signore," Teresa shouts from the porch.
"Breakfast. Best not to keep the lady waiting," Giorgio says, turning around immediately.
"Sounds like you have experience with making her wait."
"You learn fast when you get married."
I chuckle as we walk quickly back to the villa.
When we enter the main dining area, I see Savannah laughing with Isabella, and my chest immediately feels strange, lighter somehow. Her eyes meet mine across the room, and my mouth lifts up in an appreciative smile as her face mirrors mine.
I do my best to keep my hands to myself during breakfast, but my palm keeps running up her leg on its own accord. I admit I start to get carried away, inching dangerously close to her pussy, testing her limits. She swats my hand away several times, but I'm not sorry. If I only get her in Italy, I'm taking full advantage.
When we're finished, I ask Giorgio if I would be able to borrow one of his cars and spend the day with Savannah. He gives me the keys without hesitation and practically shoves us out the door, telling us to enjoy the countryside.
"Where are we going?" she asks excitedly as we pull away.
"It's a bit of a drive. A little over an hour, but I think it'll be worth it," I tell her.
"Okay. Where is it?" she asks impatiently.
I look over her with a raised eyebrow. "It's a surprise."
She leans her head back against the seat and sighs. "That's not very nice."
"I never said I was a nice person, bella mia," I say in my best Italian accent.
Her jaw falls, and she folds her arms across her chest, ignoring my comment.
I don't have to think much about directions as I drive on the highway, knowing our destination is a straight shot from here.
Her eyes keep glancing my way, but her pouty face remains in place, which makes me think she doesn’t like surprises. I smile to myself at that, finding amusement in being able to rile her up so easily.
"What's so funny?" she asks.
I shrug. "Nothing."
She releases a huff, then looks me up and down. Her hand rests on my knee, an odd display of affection for the moment, until she creeps up my thigh and grips my length. Her hand wraps around me and squeezes, my dick instantly taking notice and hardening at the contact.