Page 70 of Where We Met
I stretch my arms over my head and yawn, surprised I made it to the end. Honestly, I should have already been in bed.
“I’m gonna regret staying up this late in the morning,” I tell Savannah.
When she doesn’t respond, I look over. Her head is lying on the armrest, and she's completely knocked out.
I take the time to look at her, her breathing slow and even. Everything in me wants to carry her to my bed, but I need to remember what this five-week arrangement is—and what it isn’t.
Instead, I grab a blanket from a basket by the couch and lay it over her.
After letting the dogs out, I walk to my bedroom off a hallway from the family room. Vino follows behind and Bailey joins her mom on the couch.
The second our semester is over and final grades are in, I’m going to kiss Savannah like my damn life depends on it.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Istarttowalkout of class, knowing there's no use trying to hang around, Rebecca will be glomming on to Luke. I haven't said anything to him about her, but the further we get into the semester, the more uneasy she makes me. I'm sure it's just jealousy. She's beautiful, and any moron can see she's interested in Luke.
Just as I'm getting to my car, I hear someone call my name.
I turn around and see Luke jogging up to me.
"How did you get out so fast?" I ask.
He shrugs. "I told Rebecca I wasn't interested in her the other day. I think she finally got the idea."
"You did?"
My heart flutters knowing he's pushing away beautiful women. Is it because of me?
He laughs lightly as he steps closer.
"Why do you look so surprised?" he asks as his fingers graze my cheek. "You know you're all I want."
Shit. I think I need medical attention. Is it normal for your heart to beat out of normal rhythm like this?
Despite possibly dying, I smile.
"Can I cook you dinner tonight?" he asks.
I nod my head, finding it hard to form any coherent words.
As he walks away, I get this odd feeling that someone is watching us. I look around the entire parking garage, and it appears that we were alone.
I'm all kinds of messed up right now. He's just so…dreamy. This semester can't end soon enough.
I'm so damn happy it's Friday. I just want to be lazy this weekend and hang around the house with Luke and the dogs.
You'd think nothing could compare to Italy and my time spent with Luke. Turns out it doesn't matter where we are or what we're doing; it's him and I that create the magic. I've never felt happier.
Luke shouldn't be far behind me. Class is out, and we drove separately but left at the same time.
I hear the garage door start to open and the dogs get excited and run to the door.
The three of us wait, knowing that our favorite person is about to walk through.
It opens, and he looks down at the dogs and back up at me then starts to chuckle.