Page 86 of Where We Met
I find myself smirking at her. I think she dressed up for me today and that makes me feel so damn good.
There's a certain energy in the air, the last day of school. I don't know if it's just me or if everyone in this room is feeling it. This class is just a wrap-up of the entire semester, and a time for everyone to ask any exit questions.
To my surprise, the questions the students ask are thoughtful and engaging. It completely distracts me from what today means. I find myself enthusiastically answering their queries. With each stolen glance her way, my body gets more excited for the time to be up. Although, today isn't going to be exactly what I want it to be, I can at least talk more honestly with her. I don't have to hold back.
By the end of the ninety-minutes, I'm surprised it went by as quickly as it did.
"Well, that's all the time we have folks. I want to thank you for making my semester here so special. I had an excellent time and hope you all took something from this class. You have my email on the syllabus if you ever want to reach out with any further questions."
And that's a wrap. Everyone packs up their things. There's hoots and hollers, this being the last class for everybody on a Friday evening. For some, it's their last class ever. For others, they'll be back after summer.
I see Rebecca ready to make a beeline for me, so I grab my bag and make quick work to join the students as we exit the auditorium.
I wait by the stairs outside of the building, hoping to steal a moment with her.
I'm leaning on the bottom railing when she appears at the door with her friends. Her eyes are frantically scanning her surroundings, a slightly panicked look on her sweet face. When she spots me, I smile.
Her face turns from panic to joy in a matter of seconds. I love that I can do that to her. It's the single greatest feeling that I've ever experienced.
When she approaches, her friends give her a small wave as they walk away. Shannon, I think her name is, winks at me.
I small laugh escapes. She's definitely a character, but I like her. She seems like a good friend to Savannah.
Savannah stands on the step just above me so we are equal height. It gives me the chance to look into her green eyes. I could get lost in them for hours, but right now I need to talk to her.
"Hi," she whispers.
"Hi, Princess."
She smiles, bites her lip, and looks down at the ground bashfully. I want to grab her and kiss her lips that I've longed for since the moment they lost connection in Italy. But first, there are some loose ends I want to tie up before we go down that road.
"You look beautiful," I tell her. "Were you thinking of me when you dressed for class?"
She nods her head and I have to suppress the growl of satisfaction that wants to escape.
"So, listen, I wanted to tell you that I've been looking forward to this day for weeks."
"Me too," she admits.
"But there is something I need to do before we can be together. I just need to know one thing," I start. She looks at me confused and slightly saddened. "Do you trust me?"
"Of course."
Relief floods my body. I was worried she wouldn't give me the answer I was looking for.
"Good. Can you give me some time to come up with a game plan and trust that I'll be back for you?"
As much as the look of disappointment in her eyes kills me, I know that in order for me to move forward, it has to be this way. It's the only way I know I can be present with her one hundred percent without any reservations. She deserves that, and I want to be able to give her everything she deserves.
"Umm," she hesitates. "Yes, I can do that. It's not gonna be like a year or something, right?"
I laugh. "I couldn't last an entire year without you in my life."
Her cheeks blush at my words. But it's true. I can't imagine a year without her. Since we met, she's become the first thing on my mind in the morning, and the last thing I think about before I fall asleep. She has become the motivation in my life. It's all about when I get to see her next, when I get to touch her.
"Okay," she says on an exhale. "I trust you."
"Good," I smile.