Page 51 of Where We Fall
I smile as I watch him continue running his fingers over my skin like he's in awe at what he sees.
"Thank you. Do you know what I love?" I ask.
"What's that?"
I run my fingers down the ridges of his abs. "These things right here."
He laughs, which only makes them tighten up harder for me.
We lie there for a bit together, caressing each other and enjoying the time as we recover from another sweaty round of sex. The man's stamina is pretty incredible. I've never had so many orgasms before from intercourse alone.
"You know what I wanna do?" I lean up on my elbow. His eyebrows raise in question. "I wanna go back to your library. I never really got to see your collection of books."
He smiles and kisses my nose. "That's what you're thinking about while we lie here naked together?"
I shrug my shoulders. "I'm not ashamed. That room is amazing."
I climb out of his bed and grab his T-shirt that's lying on the floor. He throws on a pair of sweatpants, and we head down the hall together.
When he opens the door, he only turns on the lamp in the corner this time. The room glows in the soft light as the darkness outside makes the room feel warm and cozy.
It still takes my breath away to see the bookcases that reach the double-story room. It's so high that I wonder what books he likes to keep up at the top.
"Can I use the ladder?" I ask as I approach the bookcase.
"Sure. Just be careful."
He stands next to the ladder as I begin to climb up, just a couple of steps at first, as I scan the books around me. I seem to be in the sports section as I examine books on famous athletes. They're all in prime condition. He hasn't read any of them or takes care of them while he reads, careful not to crease any of the spines.
"I've read most of the books in that section if you're wondering."
"Get out of my head, weirdo. How'd you know that's what I was thinking about?"
His light laughter makes me smile. I look down at him, and he winks. Swoon! This man is like every fantasy I've ever had wrapped into one perfect package.
I focus my attention back on the books in front of me and decide to climb a couple more steps, ignoring his smug, but adorable, little attitude below me.
I hear him groan and catch a glance of him resting his head on his arm that's leaning on the ladder.
"What are you whining about down there?" I ask as I scan the books in front of me.
"Woman. You're not wearing any underwear."
"Yeah, I'm aware."
"Well, your pussy is glistening right now. It's distracting me. Is that from earlier, or are you turned on looking at my books right now?"
I giggle. "You'll never know."
"That's it," he says. I continue laughing, but the ladder begins to wiggle slightly. Marcus is climbing up behind me, eyes dark and serious.
"What're you doing?" I scream.
He keeps climbing until he is standing on the step right below me. We're now eye to eye, his arms holding onto the step above my head.
"You think you can flash that slick pussy at me and not expect me to be tempted?" he whispers on my lips, then just barely kisses them.
"But we're up high. What can you possibly do?"