Page 16 of The Last Time
“It’s free of charge. I’ll help you next weekend.”
I eye him skeptically. “Why would you do something like that for me?”
He shrugs his shoulders. “Beats the hell out of me. I suppose I don’t want your blood on my hands if something ends up happening.”
“Gee, how sweet of you.”
I cross my arms over my chest. His eyes immediately follow a path down to my breasts. A muscle flicks angrily in his jaw.
“Just promise me one thing,” he says when his eyes meet mine again. “Wear more clothes when we work together. You’re not the only one who can get distracted around here.”
Did he just admit he’s distracted by seeing me in my shorts and sports bra? Does he like what he sees?
I shouldn’t like the feeling that evokes in me. I’m too startled by his words to offer any response.
He doesn’t give me a chance to accept his offer, he just walks off the porch and hops into his truck.
Having lost the ability to think clearly, I stand in place and watch him drive off.
I don’t know how we went from scowls and cruel words to admitting attraction to one another. At least, I think that’s what we both just did—in a backward sort of way.
And I think I just agreed to let him help me with the front porch and deck repair. I look around at what I have left. I haven’t even started the back deck, which is huge. It’s probably a good idea to get his help.
My body is already killing me. I don’t know how much more of this I can take.
My stomach begins to growl. It’s not used to expending so much energy and needs some food to refuel. I think I’ll go back to the café tonight. Maybe Layla will be there again.
I can thank her for recommending her brother and maybe also ask what the hell happened to him.
But first, I need a shower.
The place is busier than I had anticipated it to be for a Sunday night.
I take a seat at the bar, finding a single chair available at the end again. A different bartender is working tonight. He hands me a menu and tells me he’ll get my drink order in a second.
I begin to survey the menu when I hear a table to my right erupt with laughter. When I look over, I see Josh laughing at something another man just said. The table has five guys at it, Asher being one of them.
All the other men are cracking up while Asher has his signature restrained smile on his face.
His blue eyes meet mine from across the room. I expect to see them darken with contempt, but to my surprise, they appear to soften. And yet, he doesn’t acknowledge me.
“You’re back!” Layla materializes in front of me with a huge smile on her face. “Yay!”
Her slender arms engulf me in a warm hug.
“I’m back.” I laugh. “Aside from the awesome food here, I have no water to cook with.”
“Oh my gosh. Did you call my brother? He’s right over there if you need me to grab him.”
“I actually called him the night you gave me his number. I took my first shower tonight since I’ve been here, thanks to him. I just don’t have running water in the kitchen yet.”
She claps her hands together. “Oh, good. I’m so glad that worked out. Well, what are you doing sitting here by yourself? Come over here and join the guys.”
Before she can give me the time to find an excuse, she grabs me by the hand and pulls me with her. Asher’s eyes are on us the entire time we walk in their direction.
“Hey, guys,” Layla says as she stops in front of their table. “This is my friend Charlotte. We spent our summers together here since we were young. She will be spending the summer here again while she fixes up her dad’s house.”
“Charlotte. Nice to see you again,” Josh says enthusiastically.