Page 67 of The Last Time
He smiles. “She is.”
“You’re great with her.”
His eyes look at me before focusing back on the road. “You are too. She loved you.”
“I’m sure she loves everyone she meets.”
He shrugs. “Not everyone who meets her hits it off like you two did.”
We both sit in silence with those words hanging in the air.
When he pulls into my driveway, I want to ask him to stay, knowing he can’t. I’m not ready to say goodbye tonight.
He leaves the car running. “I’ll walk you to the door.”
As soon as we approach the door, he gathers me into his arms and kisses me. I sink into his touch, parting my lips and arching my back to meet his kiss.
His lips move slowly and tenderly on mine. The faintest bit of tongue plays with mine, just enough to make my entire body shiver.
He pulls away and cups my cheeks.
“Goodnight, beautiful.”
“Goodnight,” I whisper.
Chapter Nineteen
“NoGandmaandGanpatoday?” Brie asks in the back of my truck.
“Grandma isn’t feeling well today. She has a cold,” I tell her. “I just have a couple stops to make for work then we can spend the rest of the afternoon together.”
She looks out the window, no complaints about being stuck with me today.
I carry her around on two of my job sites while I talk to some of the guys about some of the setbacks they are facing. As much as she wants to wiggle out of my arms, I can’t let her run free on a construction site. Luckily, Josh just keeps talking while Brie plays with his hardhat that’s still on his head. He’s so good with Brie. We call him Uncle Josh because that’s how I feel about our relationship. He’s like a brother to me.
When I think we’re done for the day, I get a text from Bret about coming to look at the final product at Charlotte’s for approval. I instantly smile, excited that I get to see her.
As I walk up Charlotte’s front porch with Brie in my arms, I start to get a bit nervous.
Will Charlotte think I’m overstepping by bringing my daughter to her house?
I take a deep breath. I’m dancing around dangerous territory here—territory I told myself I would never be in again. Now, it’s not just my heart on the line—it’s Brie’s.
I knock on the door before I can talk myself out of this. Charlotte opens it within seconds. She must’ve been standing right by the front.
Her face instantly lights up when she sees Brie in my arms.
“Hi, Brie.” She opens up her arms, and Brie leans forward in a trust fall right into her arms.
Brie gives her cheek a kiss. My heart can’t handle the sight. I look down at my boots to try and stop these emotions that are tearing down barriers I thought I built firmly around my heart.
“What are you two doing here?” she asks with delight.
I step inside and follow her to her kitchen table.
“Bret called and asked for the final inspection now that everything is done.”