Page 88 of The Last Time
“You know,” Eric starts, “you’ve been different this summer. Happier. I was beginning to wonder if she had anything to do with it. I heard you were always finding a reason to be at her place.”
“Your point?” I quip.
“I just think you should think really hard if whatever you two argued about is worth losing what you had this summer.”
“Why is everybody assuming it was my fault?” I raise my voice.
“Well…what was the fight about?” Pa asks.
“None of anyone’s damn business.” I stand. “God! Why does everybody assume they know what’s best for me? I’m so sick of this shit!”
I storm out of the room until I reach the front door. Once I’m outside, I begin to pace back and forth on the porch. My chest feels tight, making it hard to take in a deep breath.
It’s so damn typical. They always push me like my issues are my fault, something I have control over. If they only knew.
For the first time in a long time, I’m tempted to tell them all the truth.
Maybe then they would understand why I am the way I am. Maybe they would leave me alone to make my own decisions and not judge me.
It’s surprising how quickly I went back to my usual angry, grumpy self after my fight with Charlotte.
It’s like she was this light in my life, in my heart, that made everything go away. Just another reason to stay away. The power she had over me was too strong, even stronger than Lauren.
I can’t imagine what would happen if she ever did something to me. Would I ever recover?
Probably not, and that wouldn’t be fair to Brie. Everything I do is for her. She needs to be protected from all the pain life can throw at you.
“Hi,” Liam’s voice echoes behind me.
I turn around as he joins me on the front porch, closing the door behind him.
“I hear I missed a little tiff in there,” he says.
He takes a seat in one of the chairs, motioning for me to join him in the chair beside him.
“Talk to me,” he speaks in a gentle tone.
I run a hand through my hair, then let my head fall back against the chair.
“I don’t even know what to say.”
“Well, I’m caught up on everything. So, why don’t you start with how you’re doing since you and Charlotte got into it?”
I shake my head back and forth. “Not good.”
“Do you miss her?”
“Every minute,” I surprise myself with my admission.
“You don’t think you can work it out with her?”
I shrug as I wipe away nothing on my jeans. “She told me she can’t be with me if I don’t open up to her. She doesn’t want any secrets.”
“Are there secrets?”
“There are things that’s nobody’s business.”
He gives me a cynical laugh. “How’s that working out for ya?”