Page 23 of The First Time
“Fine. That’s easy. I want a man who will be supportive. I’m a career woman, and I don’t want someone who expects me to play the stereotypical housewife.”
I take the shot, the whiskey burning all the way down my throat. I cringe at the taste. It’s been years since I’ve taken a shot.
Josh is rubbing the stubble on his chin when I look up at him.
“What?” I ask.
“Nothing. Just wasn’t expecting an answer like that. I thought maybe you were interested in settling down and being taken care of eventually.”
“Ugh, why do all men think women want that? It’s like feminism never happened. There’s still this assumption that women will quit their jobs when they get married. They will obviously not be a working mom because somehow that’s neglecting their children if they continue work.”
“I’m sorry. I know you’re passionate about what you do, and you are amazingly talented. I would hate to ever see you give up your career. I guess I just thought it’s what you wanted because he told me…” he leans back in his chair, “Never mind. It doesn’t matter.”
He’s holding something back from me. Who told him something? And what did they tell him?
“Your turn,” he breaks through my thoughts. “Make it a good one.”
“What’s your favorite sex scene from a movie?”
He throws his head back and laughs. I smile in return. I figured he’d like this question,
“That’s such a random question, but I love it. Okay, let me see. I think the hottest one that comes to mind is the rollercoaster scene in Fear between Reese Witherspoon and Mark Wahlberg. I was just a teenager when I first saw the movie, and I got hard every time I watched it.”
I can’t help but laugh hard as I picture a teenage Josh popping boners from a movie scene.
“Don’t laugh at me. That scene could probably still get me hard. It was freaking hot.”
“You got a thing for public orgasms or something?” I ask.
“Not particularly,” he winks at me. “Just thought the thrill of having an orgasm at the brink of falling down the hill of a coaster would be a huge rush.” He takes his shot and winces. “Damn. Whose stupid idea was it to do this again?”
“I believe it was yours.”
“Alright. I guess that makes it my turn. Nice question, by the way. Now, let’s see. When did you have your first orgasm?”
Damn. I think I deserve my shot first for this question. Of course he would pick a question like this. I’ve definitely never told anyone this story.
“Seriously, Josh,” I sigh.
“It’s gonna be good, isn’t it? Comeon, fess up.”
“I was in a hot tub once…” I start, and he instantly smirks. Fucking asshole will never let me live this down.
“How old were you?” he interrupts.
“What does it matter?”
“Trust me, Freckles. It matters.”
“Sixteen if you must know. Anyway, I was in the hot tub with friends. It was at some party, and we were all hanging out in someone’s backyard.”
“What were you wearing? Was it a two-piece?”
“Control yourself, Josh. Let me finish answering the question. Are you going to have another uncontrollable boner like your teenager movie?”
“I just might, Layla. We’re talking about you in a hot tub at sixteen years old, having your first orgasm. The only thing that will ruin it is when you bring the guy into this story.”
He’s going to blow a gasket when I finish this story. Lucky for him, there is no boy involved.