Page 59 of The First Time
I roll my eyes. Why the fuck am I so transparent when it comes to Layla? It’s like I have a sign on my forehead saying, ‘Fool in love.’
Not bothering to defend myself or correct them, I find her when she’s walking away from a table and grab her hand. I lead her into one of the private restrooms and close the door behind us. I step into her, caging her against the door, and lean in until our lips are connected.
Torturing her with long, slow kisses suddenly becomes torture of my own. When I pull away, her eyes are heavy.
“What was that for?” she asks.
“You seem stressed. I wanted to give you something else to think about until you come over to my place tonight.”
“Your place?”
“Yes, my place. Come over after work.”
“I might not be off work until after ten,” she tells me.
“I don’t work tomorrow, and I also am capable of staying up passed ten. Come on, I’ll cook you breakfast again.”
I’m rewarded with a smile. “I suppose I can just shower at your place tonight.”
“Yes, you can absolutely get naked and lather your sexy body up at my place tonight,” I say as I start running kisses down her neck. “It’s actually encouraged.”
“Okay, I’ll come tonight,” she sighs as I place an open-mouthed kiss on her shoulder.
“Yes, you will be coming tonight, Freckles. Now get away from me before I have you coming on my mouth right now for all your staff to hear this time.”
She laughs as she opens the door and practically runs away from me. I smile the entire way back to the table. As soon as I sit down, the guys all look at me.
“You’ve got it bad, dude,” Kyle says.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I tell him. “So, Eric, how’s work going? You still gunning for the VP position?”
Liam rolls his eyes. “How you became another corporate scrooge out for only the money is beyond me. What happened to you?”
Eric stiffens in his seat. “You’re like a broken record playing on repeat. I get it, you don’t like what I’ve chosen for my career.”
Eric has always been the buttoned-up one ever since I’ve known him. Sure, he can relax and chill with the guys, but he’s never been interested in settling down or coasting through his career. He was always a determined guy.
“I’d like it if I thought it made you happy,” Liam scoffs.
I let the two bicker over the same old shit while my eyes remain glued to Layla the rest of the evening. Just watching her work stirs up my body in ways I don’t even understand. Like when she smiles and I see the crinkles at the corner of her eyes, it makes my heart race in my chest.
I head back home around nine, stopping at the door to wink at Layla before I leave.
It’s nearly eleven thirty when she shows up at my house looking exhausted. I pull her into me for a hug, but it only lasts a second before she steps away.
“I must smell like grease and sweat. I can’t believe you want to touch me. Let me shower first.”
“Come on. I’ll get you some towels. On my way home, I picked up some women’s shampoo, conditioner, and whatever else I could think of that you would want.”
Her eyes go wide as she looks at the counter in my bathroom that’s covered with products.
“Did you buy the entire store?”
I chuckle. “I don’t know what you like to use. Go ahead, pick whatever you want. I’ll be in the bedroom waiting for you.”
I give her some space to wind down and relax while I light candles in my bedroom and put lotion on my nightstand. She works her ass off and I’m sure her body is feeling it tonight. I want to spoil her and give her a massage.
She walks out of the steamy bathroom with a towel wrapped around her and wet hair dripping water droplets down her chest. My dick instantly gets hard. Down boy, this is about getting her to relax.