Page 94 of The First Time
“Hey, Josh. What’s going on?” Charlotte asks casually.
“I need you guys to help me out. I need Layla brought to an address in the next two hours.”
“Ummm…why? Are you planning to murder her?” Charlotte questions.
“What?” I shout. “Geez, Charlotte. No, I’m not going to murder her.”
Asher jumps in. “So, go on then. Why do you need us to drop my sister off at some mysterious location in two hours like some kind of Criminal Minds episode?”
“I don’t have enough time to explain it all. I have to get something done before I meet her. Just please trust me.”
“Is this something I should tell her to look cute for?” Charlotte asks.
“What the hell kind of questions are these? She always looks beautiful.”
Charlotte chuckles. “Nice answer, but you’re an idiot. I mean, if this is some kind of romantic thing, she will want to be sure she isn’t in yoga pants and an old tank top with no makeup. Women care about these things, Josh. You have a lot to learn.”
That’s ridiculous. Layla looks beautiful in anything. But Charlotte is her best friend, and a woman, so I should probably listen to her.
“Fine. You can tell her to look cute, but it’s not something that’s necessary. We aren’t going anywhere fancy. Look I have to go. I’ll text you guys the address.”
I hang up before they can distract me any longer with their questions. This feels kind of crazy that I’m putting this together so last minute, but also, it appears that I’m a moron and didn’t even realize I was making Layla even more upset.
I was so focused on making this right, I never thought about how she would feel. But it makes sense. Sure, I’ve called and texted her every day, but I’m all of a sudden not making any initiative to see her.
Fuck, the more I think about it, the more I realize what I put her through. I really am an idiot.
Well, at least I’m an idiot in love who now has the support of her parents.
I really can’t believe how well it went with Dan and Stella. It just goes to show you how much that negative voice in your headcan manipulate you if you aren’t careful. I let that damn voice tell me I wasn’t good enough for ten fucking years.
No more. I’m done listening to those negative thoughts that creep in and tell me it won’t work out. Right now, it’s time to make up for all the times I listened to that voice.
Chapter Thirty-Two
“What are you doing?” I ask Charlotte as she walks straight into my house with no phone call or warning.
“Just coming to say hi to my best friend.”
Asher walks in behind her with Brie in his arms. She smiles brightly. “Hi, Auntie Lay-lay.”
“Hi, sweetie pie. It’s so good to see you,” I kiss her on the cheek than turn back to Charlotte.
“What’s going on? This is an unexpected visit.”
Charlotte shrugs. “We just thought we’d take you out for a drink.”
She’s acting strange, looking around the room, down at her toes. Basically, anywhere but at me. I glance at Asher who is avoiding eye contact too.
“Something’s going on. Why are you two acting so weird? And why on earth are you bringing me out for a drinkon a Thursday night with your four-year-old while one of you is carrying a baby and can’t even have a drink?”
“That’s it,” Charlotte declares while she grabs my hand. “No more questions.”
“Where are we going?” I ask as she heads towards the hallway.
“We are going to go change. You are going to put on a cute summer dress, and we are going out for a drink. If you ask one more question, I will not let you visit me in the hospital after I have the baby.”