Page 22 of The Only Time
“So, what did your family say when you told them about the accident?” she asks after she takes a bite.
I do the same and have to stop myself from moaning. This woman can cook. The pie crust is so crispy and yet the chicken and vegetables in the cream sauce are the perfect offset to the crust.
“I haven’t told them yet actually.”
She stops her spoon midway to her mouth. “You didn’t tell them yet?”
It kind of takes me by surprise—the guilt her reaction garners from me. I’m sure I should’ve told them first thing in the morning, probably even last night.
“I know. I’m a horrible son and brother,” I say then take a bite of my pie. It’s good enough to make me feel slightly less of aprick. I think I’ll be eating another slice, see if it can make me like myself. Maybe it’s magic pie.
“I never said that you were a horrible son or brother. I’m just surprised. You guys all seem close.”
It’s an interesting observation, and, to some extent, it’s true. We are close. But sometimes being too close to your family isn’t always a good thing. It’s times like these, when you are in a rut or just trying to figure yourself out that makes it hard when there don’t seem to be any boundaries.
“We’re close. To be honest, I’m just tired. Once I tell them, there’s going to be a crowded house of worried faces all not only wondering how I’m doing physically, but they will use it as an emotional intervention.”
She lets out a heavy sigh. “I understand that.”
I look at her, my head leaning to one side. “You do?”
“Yeah, I’m close with my family too. Three older brothers and my parents. All three brothers are married. Everyone seems to treat me like I’m fragile or damaged.”
Her eyebrows pinch together. “What does hmm mean?”
I can’t help but laugh at how defensive she became by a simple noise. “Nothing. I was just thinking. Why is it that someone being single means they are subject to a massive amount of scrutiny from their family members?”
She rolls her eyes. “If you ever figure it out, let me know.”
A smirk stretches across my face. I’m actually enjoying our dinner together. It’s nice to have someone to talk to. And it’s a relief that she isn’t judging me for taking some time before I tell my family. I’ll call them and tell them after we eat, but it’s still nice that she gets it.
Hours later, I’m lying in bed trying to sleep but it doesn’t come. My arm hurts like a motherfucker and my family finallystopped messaging an hour ago once I threatened to block all of them.
I didn’t even ask Mia to help me with anything, I just stayed in my shirt and threw on a new pair of sweatpants. Maybe a late-night snack will help. Mia and I both ate too much of the pot pie to have room for the cobbler.
Would it be rude to have a piece before her?
Before I can make it to the fridge, I notice the pool lights on and a figure swimming in the water. I walk outside, surprised that the October chill isn’t too bad tonight. Instead of going back inside like I should, letting her enjoy her swim alone, I feel compelled to sit on one of the lounge chairs and lean back.
It’s peaceful out here. She continues to swim laps while I watch. When she stops to take a breath, I figure it’s a good time to announce my presence.
“You always swim by yourself in the middle of the night?”
The scream that escapes her is piercing, filled with pure, raw emotion. Once she sees my face, her body settles and her hand lands on her heart. “Eric! Oh my gosh. You keep scaring me.”
“I’m sorry. I guess I shouldn’t have snuck up like that.”
Although, I don’t feel like I snuck up. I’m not sure what I should’ve done, but she’s been very jumpy around me. A simple noise can throw her into a panic and now this. She also never leaves the house. It seems strange.
“No, no it’s fine. I’m sorry, I’m just a little jumpy lately,” she says, seeming embarrassed. “I was just finishing up here. I wanted to get in a little exercise, work off some of those dinner calories.”
“There’s a gym in the basement. I’m sorry I never gave you an official tour. I’ll give you one tomorrow.”
“Sounds great. Thanks.”
She begins to climb the stairs out of the pool. With each step, more of her body emerges. She’s wearing a black two piece andonce her ass is above water, my dick instantly takes notice. She turns around and walks towards me, giving me the view of her front.