Page 52 of The Only Time
I think I’ve won, but it is equally as awkward for me, and he ends up leaning over my entire body to get to his circle.
“Right foot, yellow.”
We both manage to get our right feet on yellow, but my ass is in the air, and he is standing over me like he’s about to fuck me from behind.
“Was this your strategy?” I ask as I look over my head. “To get me in this position so you could fuck me?”
He chuckles. “It wasn’t, but I’m thinking this is ending up better than I had originally planned.”
“Left hand, blue.”
Fuck, our hands and feet are spread out on opposite ends of the mat. I’m already sweating. Our limbs are already a tangled mess, and it seems this was exactly what he was going for. While I already feel my arms tiring, showing my poor upper body strength, he feels sturdy as a tree above me.
A couple more moves and I have my left arm woven under my right, and my legs crossed giving me little balance from my lower body. I’m relying heavily on my arms to hold me up, and I feel my body start to shake from the strain of it.
He’s laughing above me. “Are you having a seizure down there?”
“Fuck you. This is your fault, you got me all tangled up too quickly,” I say through panted breath just before my arms give out and fall onto my stomach.
I roll onto my back and Eric is standing up with his arms in the air. “Victory is mine.”
My eyebrows draw together as I watch him gloat. “I still feel like you did that to get me into a compromising position. Was this all about sex to you?”
He steps onto the mat until he’s towering over me. “I was playing to win. If I wanted it to be about sex, I would’ve made it about sex.”
My eyes open wide. “That kind of feels like a threat.”
“Stand up and find out for yourself.”
I don’t know what the hell he’s talking about, but the wheel starts to spin again so I think we are about to play another round. As soon as I stand up, he grabs his phone and pauses the spinner.
“I think I can call these next few on my own,” he says as he looks my body up and down in the way that makes me break out into goosebumps.
“Turn around,” he demands.
I’m not sure why he wants me to do that, but I also can tell by the look on his face that he’ll get angrier by the second if I don’t listen. I may also really want to find out what he’s intending on doing.
“Left hand blue,” he calls out standing behind me.
I place my left hand on the circle then wait for another command.
“Right hand yellow,” he says as he takes a step closer to me.
I’m now standing with both hands on the mat, my knees bent slightly with my ass in the air. I watch him with my head upside down. He kneels right behind me.
“There it is. I think I like this position. Let’s see how long you last here,” he says, then I feel his hands at the top of my yoga pants.
Next thing I know, air hits my bottom when he pulls them down quickly with my underwear. His hands grip my ass and spread me apart. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this on display for someone. But the guttural groan that reverberates from him makes me feel slightly more confident.
“This pussy, Mia. I think about it every second of the day. I dream about it. I swear, I live for it right now.”
Those are his words before his mouth closes over my clit and sucks.
I moan instantly at the sensations it evokes. It feels like he has a roadmap to my body, knowing exactly which turns to take to make me come or how to draw it out. It’s overwhelming.
His tongue drags long licks from my clit to my pussy as he spreads me wider with his thumbs. He makes his own sounds of pleasure like I’m the one doing it to him.
His tongue moves further until it hits my back entrance where his hands then grip my ass. His tongue continues circles at my hole which makes me let out a loud moan. It feels so good that my legs begin to shake. He starts to push his tongue inside then pull out, repeating this process as he fucks me with his tongue. He continues this while his thumb rubs my clit.