Page 29 of Damaged
The rain poured as they sat protected by the awning. The sides dripped like rivers.
Wrath glanced at Stone. Normally, he didn’t see the guy without Dave and vice versa, so he wondered about it but didn’t pry.
Apollo and Cash came out the door, along with Beck. All the boys wore swim trunks and the three walked out into the rain and jumped into the steaming warm water of the swimming pool.
“You run a halfway house,” Wrath snickered, sipping at his coffee.
Justice nodded, watching the boys swim. “Yeah, the boys came over for the weekend and stayed since they don’t have classes today. Beck will finally start high school next Monday.”
“He’s been out a long time. Did he take a test to get in?” Wrath asked, sipping at his coffee. Beck had been a rescue from Tanis and to Wrath’s knowledge had no formal education.
“Yeah, he had some personal issues he worked through with a therapist. Plus, the move from Dave’s place. He did well on the test though. He’ll be a grade behind his age, but he’s smart, he’ll catch up.”
“Did he give a reason for leaving Dave’s?”
“Beck says this is the ‘cool’ house,” Justice smirked. “I think he just wanted to be with me and Fisher.”
“I’m glad you took him in,” Wrath said with a chuckle.
“Me too.” Justice gazed toward the house. “Fisher is a natural father, more so than me.”
“I doubt that, bro. You were the one who took care of Rip.”
“That was only because you were older and working part-time jobs. I had to help mom.”
Wrath nodded. Rip was their baby brother who had disappeared after leaving the military.
Justice hadn’t seen Rip since they were teenagers.
He, on the other hand, had received a tip that his brother had joined the Marines and was soon to be discharged. Wrath had flown out to the base to try and catch Rip, but all he had gotten was a glimpse of Rip getting into a vehicle and driving away.
That had been two years ago and while he now had a current mental picture of Rip to go by, Justice did not.
Wrath remembered how pissed Justice had been that he hadn’t said a word about it during the past two years. But Justice had been in the military at the time, so Justice couldn’t have gone with him to try and see Rip if he had wanted to.
And it was during that time that he and Justice had briefly lost touch with each other. In the end, Justice forgave him because that was what brothers did. From that day on, they promised no more secrets.
They also kept a constant search for Rip, but it was difficult because they didn’t know where their brother had ended up and no matter how much they searched for him, they had found no trace.
Fisher came out of the house with two plates piled high.
Stepping out of the door behind Fisher came Rogue along with Echo, carrying several more plates of food.
Wrath stared at Rogue.
The corner of the man’s mouth twitched. Was that a smirk or the beginning of a smile?
What the hell?
Had Rogue not wanted to drive here with him? Did he not want their family or friends to know about them?
Wrath squinted, turned his face toward the swimming pool, and ignored the guy.
Somehow, and he wasn’t quite sure how, but Rogue arranged it so they were sitting together at the crowded table. Wrath’s irritation took a back seat, and he fought back a smile of satisfaction.
Wrath reached for bacon and Fisher snagged the plate before he could take a piece.
“You had yours,” Fisher scolded.