Page 60 of Damaged
The bullet this time caught him in the ribs and the pain took him to his knees.
In another instance, a blow hit the back of his head, and he fell face-first, smacking the floor.
Gunfire erupted through his haze and Rogue closed his eyes.
He hoped Chandler and the little girl lived through this.
They were way too young to die.
Wrath watched in horror as a bullet tore through the man he loved.
Rogue dropped to his knees with a bullet to the side.
Wrath launched from his hiding spot and opened fire. Both Winter and Crow joined him and together, they attacked.
When one man hit Rogue on the back of his head, Wrath leaped across the distance.
“Motherfuckers!” Wrath raged, firing his weapon, he shot the man in the head three times.
Scrambling, Wrath pulled Rogue into his arms.
“Rogue!” he yelled, rocking the man’s limp body in his arms.
There was too much blood already, the back of Rogue’s shirt was soaked. The medic in him had him taking the man’s pulse, it was thready, but it was there.
Rolling Rogue onto his side, Wrath tore open the back of the man’s shirt. A bullet hole poured blood, and Wrath tore off his own shirt to staunch the blood flow. The bullet in Rogue’s back was a lot worse than the one in his side, so Wrath kept the pressure there.
Crow and Winter shielded him and Rogue. The pair fired, working their bullets through the room and bodies until it all grew quiet.
Wrath swept his gaze over the barn when the last echo of gunfire ended. Dead bodies littered the filthy ground.
The stall to his right had the door open and he was suddenly faced with a gun in his face.
Holding the weapon was a very nervous teenager.
Behind the boy crouched a small girl. Fear and rage stood in the boy’s eyes.
“I’m here…” Wrath began, but before he could finish, the boy fired.
Crow leaped at the same time as Winter, but it was Crow who managed to kick the boy’s arms up and away before the bullet could pierce either him or Rogue.
Winter disarmed the kid in seconds.
“We’re here to help,” Crow said, and the two kids sat frozen in the dirty straw.
“Rogue needs an ambulance,” the boy said. “There’s no phone service here.”
“We already called in the calvary,” Winter assured the kid. “What’s your name?”
“Chandler, and this is Summer,” the teenager said, pointing to the small girl at his side.
“What are you doing here?” Crow asked the boy.
“We were caught by Lister’s gang. The guy used to work for Solomon,” Chandler said.
Wrath knew there had to be more to the story, but first, he had a question.
“How did you get Rogue’s gun?”