Page 67 of Damaged
After turning the lukewarm water back on, Rogue rinsed them both once again. When Wrath stepped out of the shower, Rogue handed him a towel.
They made it to the bed and Wrath sprawled face first. Rogue chuckled deeply and followed him down.
It was the first night in a long time that he wasn’t woken up by Rogue’s nightmares.
Two months after that…
“Istill don’t like the idea of you coming along.” Wrath scowled at him from the driver’s seat as they barreled down Interstate 5 to catch the 14 to Lancaster.
“I can’t sit still. Not for this,” Rogue returned right back.
This wasn’t the first disagreement they’d had over the past eight weeks, so he wasn’t concerned with any fallout. They did tend to banter a lot, and Rogue enjoyed the hell out of it.
“I know. I’m going to clock Rebel when we get there though.” Wrath squeezed the wheel.
“No, you won’t.” Rogue smirked because he knew his man, and he knew that Wrath would never raise a hand to any of the young assassins. Unless they were sparring—then Wrath would hand their asses to them.
“I might. He fucking took Boston with him.”
“Yeah. I figure Boston needs to pay back Smalls.”
They were still baffled at how Rebel had found Smalls after the fucker had been MIA since the shootout in the barn. Yet, of all the people in California, Rebel had done the impossible. Hell, even Erebus hadn’t been able to locate Smalls.
“Payback’s okay.” Wrath released a heavy sigh. “I’m just glad Azrael didn’t go with him.”
“I wonder why?” Rogue said.
“Why didn’t Azrael go with them? I know they are all close.”
“Az has been missing a lot lately,” Wrath said.
Rogue had heard that too and he knew it drove Real crazy. “Maybe Savage has him doing jobs.”
“Maybe,” Wrath agreed.
Whatever it was, Real was a fucking bear right now and they all avoided him.
“So…when are you going to move from your apartment into my house? You said we’d talk about it come Spring. It’s now June,” Wrath said, taking the interchange to the 14 when it came up.
“I dunno.” He glanced out the window. What they had right now was pretty damned good, and he didn’t want to do anything to rock the boat.
“Then I’m going to sell the house,” Wrath murmured.
“What? Don’t do that!” Rogue couldn’t help if he sounded indignant and his mouth hung open.
Wrath’s house was fantastic.
That place was his sanctuary.
“Why keep it if I don’t have anyone to make it a home with?”
“Wrath…” Rogue swallowed around the knot in his throat.
“Then tell me why,” Wrath said.
Silence filled the vehicle. Fuck it, Rogue thought. He’d tell Wrath the truth and let the chips fall where they may.