Page 105 of The Good Girl
“Okay, good. You okay to walk?”
“I’m fine,” she murmurs, not that any of us are convinced. But if she wants to walk, I won’t fight her on it.
I turn to Dice, who has been watching us curiously. “Lock the gates and watch yourself. Driller might come looking for her, and he won’t give a shit about starting trouble. Don’t let anyone in unless they are a part of this chapter until I tell you otherwise, got it?”
“Yes, Pres,” he answers. I slap him on the shoulder before turning. I watch Nevaeh lead Lola up through the warehouse.
“You think she’s here to spy?” Midas asks as he slips out of the shadows.
“It’s likely. She has no ties to this club, and we already know she has no trouble shooting me in the back. I don’t doubt Driller hit her. He’s always had issues, and they were reaching fever point when I went to prison. I can only imagine how out of fucking control he is now.”
“What’s the plan?”
“Right now? To let Hannibal look her over and see what he says.”
He nods but doesn’t say anything else. We both follow after the women, through the warehouse and up the slope. We walk in silence, keeping a little distance between us and them. If anyone can get anything out of her, it will be Nevaeh. Assuming she doesn’t verbally slap her first.
“I’ll head to the saloon and let everyone know what’s going on so they don’t bother you for a bit.”
“Thanks, Midas.”
I start to move but Midas says my name.
“I know how you feel about her. I’d be the same way, but that baby? None of this is their fault. Driller might very well beat that baby out of her. Can you live with that? Whatever happened between you and her, that kid is still your niece or nephew.”
“I know, Midas. But that doesn’t change the fact that it should have been my son or daughter. I might not want heranymore, but it’s not easy to forget everything she took from me.”
“And if she had stood beside you, you wouldn’t have Nevaeh. Think carefully before you let regrets cloud the fact that you won in the end. Not to mention, you and Nevaeh will make beautiful babies. As long as they look like their mama,” he teases, though I don’t miss the tightening around his eyes. I’m not the only one who would have had kids now if the fates had been kinder.
I think about Nevaeh and know everything worked out exactly how it was supposed to.
“I hear you, Midas. Let G know what’s going on. See if he can get hold of Byte. Find out if anything is going on their end. I spoke to Kieran, and he knows something is brewing. He doesn’t know what. Prospects aren’t privy to much information, as you know. The bugs are a no-go. It seems they have a jammer. We need to get ourselves prepared for the worst, just in case. I’ll be fucking damned if I let them catch us with our asses out.”
“You thinking lockdown?”
“Not yet. Besides, sometimes having everyone in one spot is the worst idea.” I take a step away before I remember something else. “Get hold of Blade and fill him in on everything. He knows most of it, but tell him and the others to be vigilant. Blade was the one who made me president. He might be just as much of a target as I am.”
“I’ll call him after I’ve caught G up.”
I nod and jog to the clinic.
When I walk in, it’s quiet. I head toward the treatment room and stop when I see Nevaeh in one of the blue plastic chairs.
“I thought you’d be in there with her.”
“Hannibal asked her if she wanted privacy, and here I am. Can’t say I blame her.”
I grab the door handle, but she stops me.
“No. I know you’re the big bad president, but you don’t need to be in there with her while she’s vulnerable. Hannibal will tell you everything you want to know afterward.”
I manage to stop myself from blurting out that I’ve seen it all before, realizing how bad that would sound. “Fine. She must really not like you if she’s willing to be alone in there with Hannibal.”
“I have the man who used to be hers. I get your smile, your heart, and your time. And having been on the receiving end of it all, I know how powerful it is to be loved by you. Seeing us together will make that void you left behind feel like a chasm.”
I shrug. “She walked away. And now that I have you, I’m glad she did.” I yank her into my arms and kiss her soundly.
She leans into me, grabbing my cut and holding me to her. I pick her up so I don’t get a crick in my neck and urge her to wrap her legs around me. I feel the heat of her pussy through the denim of my jeans. Sliding my hand under her ass, my fingers just slip under the edge of her panties when the door opens. Hannibal steps out—the damn cock blocker.