Page 109 of The Good Girl
A loud whisper has us both looking up to see G waving for Amity to join him.
“Looks like I’ve been summoned.” She rolls her eyes. “Not that I’m complaining. I’m so ready to get this thing off.” She waves the cast around. “I’ll see you when you get back tomorrow. Bring me back some swag.”
“Will do.”
She gives me a quick hug before heading over to join him. With a groan, I get to my feet and stretch.
Feeling a little sick, I walk to the bar and get a bottle of water from Dice, who is working there today. I unscrew the cap and take a sip of the cool liquid before holding it to my head.
Legs comes and sits beside me with a frown on her face. “You okay?”
“Think I over ate. Though saying that, I’ve felt sick on and off for the last few days.”
She presses her hand to my forehead. “You don’t feel hot. Any other symptoms?”
“Just being tired. But then things have been hectic as hell around here.”
She looks at me oddly before taking my hand and urging me to accompany her.
“Where are we going? I’m leaving for the signing soon.”
“This won’t take long.”
I stare at her, bemused, and let her to lead me into the clinic. She lets go of my hand and rummages in one of the drawers for a moment before dragging me to the restroom.
“Okay take this and go pee on it.”
I look down at the pregnancy test in my hand and blink.
“Think about it. You’ve been feeling sick and tired, and something tells me the last thing on Havoc’s mind when he’s with you is protection. You tend to make him love dumb. It’s cute and kind of sickening.”
“Hey now.” I laugh, taking the pregnancy test when she presses it against my chest.
“Off you go.”
“While Havoc appears to have somewhat of a breeding kink, he clearly doesn’t realize that inexperienced doesn’t mean uninformed. I’m on the pill, and I haven’t missed one. I’m not pregnant.”
“When was your last period?”
“I can’t remember. But before you say anything, my periods are always irregular.”
“The pill is not foolproof. Take the damn test, woman.”
“I’m not taking the test.”
She grabs another one and pulls me into the restroom. Before I know what she’s doing, she pulls down her underwear, sits on the toilet, and rips open the packaging with her teeth. She maneuvers herself until she can pee on the stick before my brain comes online again, and I turn around.
“See, it’s that simple.”
“If I agree to take the test, will you leave me to pee in peace?”
“You’ll do it?”
“Uh-huh. Mostly because I’m scared you’ll pin me down and tickle me until I pee so you can do the test for me.”
She chuckles before flushing the toilet and shuffling around me so she can squeeze out the door.
I shake my head and pee to the sound of Legs washing her hands.