Page 11 of The Good Girl
Blowing out a shaky breath, I nod, tucking my hair behind my ear, feeling like the world’s biggest liar, liar, pants on fire.
“I wish I could go with you. If it were just a few weeks later…”
“Nope. Don’t you dare feel guilty. I’m the one who said yes to this after I’d already agreed to work for you. If anyone should feel guilty, it’s me.” And boy, do I feel guilty for so many things.
“How about we both just agree to be guilt-free, then?”
“Deal. And hey, at least you get to rock the RV with Mr. MC for a couple weeks,” I joke, trying not to think of another biker boy and his hands.
“Mm-hmm…” she mumbles as we head inside the RV, making me pause my freak-out for a moment.
“What’s that supposed to mean? You guys are okay, right?” I ask over my shoulder as we head into the bedroom.
“I’m mad at him right now, but we’ll figure it out.” She sighs and sits on the bed as I drag my suitcase out from under the bed and start throwing things into it.
“What happened?” I ask. They seemed fine yesterday.
She bites her lip and tells me about waking up alone, finding out he spent the night in her room, that Monica was wearing her helmet on the back of G’s bike, and then the angry words they exchanged afterward. I listen to it all while I continue to pack.
Once she’s done talking, she gets up and grabs my toiletries from the bathroom. While she does, I sit on the bed and consider my words.
“You know I always have your back. Always. So if you need me to hate G, I will. I’ll cut nipple holes in all of his T-shirts and spill a Coke on his keyboard.”
She smiles, sitting beside me and leaning her head on my shoulder. “I feel like there’s a ‘but’ coming on.”
“ButI think you overreacted. Could he have made different choices? Sure. But at the end of the day, his job is to keep Monica safe. So if that means checking on her in the middle of the night or having her on the back of his bike, then so be it. It’s not like he wants her. Anyone with eyes can see that. Now, with that being said, if her being on the back of his bike bothers you so much, then I think a little revenge is in order. Get bestie number two to give you a ride. Toot seems like he’d have no problem messing with G.”
“Great minds think alike,” she says. “I told him to ask Havoc to come pick me up. I could tell he wanted to argue when I told him it didn’t mean anything, but he couldn’t without proving my point.”
I flinch at the sound of his name but thankfully she doesn’t notice. I swallow down the pang of jealously at the thought of Amity on the back of his bike, knowing I’m being ridiculous. I plaster a smile on my face.
“So devious. It’s my second favorite thing about you.”
“Really? What’s the first?”
“Your excellent taste in best friends, obviously,” I tell her.
“Obviously,” she says dryly, and I poke her in the ribs, making her laugh.
“Just give him a chance to make it up to you, okay?” I say, giving her a look, and she nods. “Besides, I’ve heard both angry sex and makeup sex are the best.”
“You’re not just as short as Yoda; you’re as wise as him too.”
“I’m tall enough to punch you in the boob,” I tell her, and she jumps away from me, laughing.
“I can’t believe my little baby is all grown up and...”
“Saving China?” I finish, laughing.
“I was channeling my inner Mushu, yes, but I was going to say—going to London without me.”
“As much as I love a Mulan quote, I’m a big girl, Amity. I can handle myself. I know it doesn’t seem like it sometimes because I let people walk all over me, but—” She covers my mouth with her hand.
“I know you can. I’m just protective of you. If I didn’t think you could handle yourself, I wouldn’t let you get on a plane and fly a continent away from me.”
She pulls her hand away.
“Alright, I believe you.” I pull her to me and hug her tight. For a moment, I consider telling her about Havoc. But when I open my mouth, nothing comes out.