Page 122 of The Good Girl
“Good. Hannibal wants you to call him if anything you think he should know comes to mind.”
“No worries.”
“Thank you for what you did for the club.”
“I don’t feel like I did much at all,” he admits, but I shake my head.
“You were my eyes and ears when I couldn’t be there myself, and Inigo told me how you played backup for them. I’m glad to have you here as a prospect. I think you’ll be an asset to the club.”
“Thank you, sir. I won’t let you down.”
I nod and ride into the warehouse before heading to the clinic. I laugh when, through the open window, I hear Dice trying to argue with Nevaeh.
“I swear to you, I’m fine.”
“I know you are, but I’m going to make sure it stays that way. Now, do you need anything else? Some water or some ice chips? Here, let me just?—
“Woman, if you fluff my pillows once more, I might voluntarily slip into a coma just to get some peace.”
I push the door open and walk in to find Nevaeh with her hands on her hips, glaring down at Dice, who gives me a relieved look when he sees me in the doorway.
“Please tell me you’ve come to rescue me.”
Nevaeh spins around when she realizes someone is behind her. “Oh hey, Havoc. I’m just making sure Dice is okay.”
“Looks to me like you’re tucking him in. You sure you don’t want to read him a story next?” I tease but shut up when I see hurt flash across her features.
“I’m sorry, I’ll go.”
“Hey now.” I wrap my hand around her waist to stop her from leaving. “I’m just teasing, and so is Dice. We both know you care about him and that you’re worried. But you have to let the man get some rest. He’ll let us know if something is wrong, right?” I look at Dice, who nods.
“I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize my recovery, Tink. I promise.”
She groans. “Not you, too.”
Dice grins. “I can’t help it if the name fits. Besides, when you were shaking your head and tapping your foot at me, you really did remind me of an angry fairy.”
Nevaeh rolls her eyes, but her lips twitch. “Alright, I’ll leave you alone. I know I’m hovering. I’m just happy you’re home. I’ll make sure your apartment is ready and stocked for you, though Hannibal says you need to stay here for the next few days. A traveling medic is coming in to check on you. If you’re really good, I’ll ask one of the bunnies to play nursemaid for you.”
“This is why you’re my favorite,” Dice whispers, his eyes slipping closed.
“Come on, let’s give him some peace. I’ll get one of the girls to come keep an eye on him.”
I lead her over to the saloon, nodding to Circus and Capone, who pass us as we walk in.
“How did it go?” Circus questions.
“Better than I expected. There are a few disgruntled brothers, but none of them are stupid enough to go up against Hannibal.”
“Damn straight.”
“Either of you seen Lil?”
“She’s playing pool with Kruger.”
“Alright, thanks, man.” I lead Nevaeh over to the pool table and watch for a second as they wrap up the game. Lil kicks Kruger’s ass, much to his annoyance.