Page 147 of The Good Girl
G nods before getting to his feet. “Let’s do it now before the bunnies descend.”
I climb off Havoc’s lap and wait for him to get to his feet, knowing there is no way he won’t join us. Amity walks around the table and links her arm through mine, leading me out the back as the guys follow behind us.
“I’m thinking we need some pretty bedding and cozy sleepwear,” she muses.
“Definitely. She’ll need a week’s worth of clothes too. We can always grab more if we need to. Get something for her to play with, some books, maybe a teddy or two.” I take a deep breath before I let the sadness overwhelm me. I have no idea what Starlikes. I don’t even know if she knows. Judging by what little she had in that house, I’m not sure she’s had the chance to be a kid.
Raised voices snap me out of my thoughts. I look to see what’s happening and find Legs walking around the side of the building with a cardboard box in her hands, tears streaming down her face.
Amity pulls away from me and jogs over to her just as Midas rounds the corner. “Don’t come back, Legs. We have fresh meat. Don’t need to bother with lying bitches like you.”
“Hey,” I yell at him.
“Stay out of this, Nevaeh. This has nothing to do with you.”
“Legs is my friend, and you don’t get to speak to her that way.”
“Huh. Typical. I guess sluts like to stick together.”
He is so focused on me that he doesn’t notice Havoc beside him until he punches him in the face and puts him on his ass.
“Please get me out of here,” Legs begs Amity. I can see how hard she’s shaking as she tries to put on a brave face.
Amity looks at me. I nod and move toward them both. I grab the box from her and let Amity wrap her arm around Legs’ shoulder as she leads her away from Midas, who now has a furious G and Havoc circling him.
I’m too pissed to walk away, though. Instead, I storm over to Midas, ready to kick the asshat as he lay on the ground, but Havoc catches me.
“How fucking dare you. You know what? I’m sick to death of your sanctimonious bullshit.”
“She was sleeping around, and now she’s fucking pregnant?—”
“And? She’s not your old lady, Midas. She’s not good enough for you, remember? She was doing her job. Bunnies don’t get to stay unless they fuck the brothers. You know this. And still, you did nothing but set expectations she couldn’t reach. You set her up to fail. You’re pathetic. One day, you’re going to wake up andrealize what you did, and by then, it will be too late. I hope regret keeps you warm at night, Midas.”
I spin in Havoc’s arms to look at G. “Can you and Amity take Legs home? She’s in no state to drive.”
“Absolutely. I need to get away from the smell of bullshit anyway,” he snarls down at Midas before walking over to me and relieving me of Legs’ box. He heads over to Legs, and says something to her that I can’t hear, but she nods rapidly and lets Amity lead her down the hill. She glances back at me briefly, her eyes filled with so much heartache that it makes my chest hurt and makes me want to kick Midas in the dick. I watch until they are out of sight before whirling on Midas again.
“You just lost the best thing that ever happened to you, and you’re too much of a dick to even realize it.”
He gets to his feet, wiping blood from his mouth, his gaze warily on Havoc, which is smart. If he didn’t have his hands wrapped around me, I know they’d be wrapped around Midas’ throat. I can feel his anger pulsing through him like a living, breathing entity ready to strip the skin from Midas’ bones.
“You don’t get it.” I hear the pain beneath his anger, but I’m too far gone to care.
“You’re right, I don’t. From what I can tell, you want kids, and you can’t biologically have them. That sucks, Midas, it really does, but there are other ways to be a father. Look at Hannibal. He considers Lola’s baby his too.” I sigh and move to step toward him, but Havoc is having none of it.
“Don’t move,” he growls at me. “If I let you go, I’ll kill him.”
I close my eyes for a moment and take a deep breath before focusing on Midas once more. “You need to figure out what it is you want––what’s important to you. You can’t play with people’s hearts like that.”
“I didn’t…” his voice drifts off as he drops his head.
“You did, and you know it. Lie to me all you want, but don’t lie to yourself. She loves you Midas, and she hates herself because of it. Why do you think she’s leaving? You’ve called all the shots and held all the power, but that positive pregnancy test changed everything. Now she has someone in her life she loves more than you. You better figure out real quick if you can accept that because if you can’t, you need to let her go.”
I tug Havoc, who, after a moment of resistance, lets me drag him toward the clinic––my mind on Legs. No matter what, she’ll be okay. She’ll have the baby she always wanted. If Midas doesn’t get his head out of his ass, she’ll find a man who’ll love her and her kid––Midas will be nothing but a memory. And one day, when he wakes up—and he will—he’ll come back for her and see the perfect life she made for herself. The one he could have had if he'd fought for her instead of throwing her away.
Lord, won’t there be fireworks when that happens?