Page 25 of The Good Girl
He walks over to Knuckles with a feral grin on his face. “He shot Amity. I want him.”
“He’s all yours. Might want to take your cut off for this. I have a feeling it’s going to get messy.”
I stalk over to Acid and wrench his head back, making him whimper. “Not so cocky now, are you? We were brothers once so I’m going to go gentle on you. You know, I almost feel bad. Khan sent you down here to your slaughter, and you’re too fucking dumb to realize.”
“He trusted us.” Acid chokes out.
“You’re expendable, you fucking idiot.” I shove him back as I release him and walk to the trunk in the corner of the room. I grab a tactical knife and grip it with my teeth as I slip my cut off and hang it on one of the hooks on the wall. I ignore the screaming coming from the other side of the room and focus on Acid, who can’t look away from the carnage.
“Fuck you, Havoc. Fuck you.” Acid spits as he fights against his restraints, but he has no strength left.
“You don’t like seeing what G’s doing to Knuckles, huh? Well, let me help you with that.” I thrust the blade into his eye, carving into the muscles surrounding it until I can rip the eye out. There is no finesse, and by the time I move to the next, Acid has puked all over himself and passed out. I start whistling a merry tune as I remove the second eye, noting the screams from the other side of the room have stopped.
Once the eyeball pops out, I pick up the other one from the floor where it fell and shove them both into his mouth.
Happy with my work, I contemplate what to remove next when I notice the asshole isn’t breathing. I feel for a pulse and curse when I realize the motherfucker is dead.
“You always were a fucking pussy.” I spit on him, watching it drip down his face before I turn and walk over to G, who has turned Knuckles into some kind of human jigsaw puzzle.
“Remind me not to piss you off.”
He looks over at Acid before cocking an eye at me.
“He dead?”
“Fucker’s heart gave out. Pussy. I think it’s safe to say Knuckles is gone too.”
“Not sure I could find his pulse to check, even if I wanted to,” he jokes.
“I’ve heard ofrest in peace, but neverrest in pieces,” I say, looking at the carnage.
“I don’t envy the prospects cleaning this up.”
“If this doesn’t break them, they’ll stand a good chance of getting patched in.”
“Agreed. But I might just sweep up what’s left of Knuckles and put him in a sandwich bag or something. Because I’m nice like that.”
I laugh, shoving him to the back of the room, where the hose is. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll sweep him up and get the prospects on the rest of the mess, and you head back to Amity. It’s been a long fucking day, and she might wake up needing you.”
He strips down to his boxers and grits his teeth as I spray the hose over him.
“Nevaeh’s with her right now, but you’re right. I need to be there. I feel like I’m going to crawl out of my skin the longer I’m away from her.”
“It’s probably gonna feel like that for a while,” I warn him as he slips his cut over his damp skin.
“So, Nevaeh? That’s her name?”
“Shouldn’t you know the name of the woman you’re going to marry?”
I glare at him until he sighs.
“Fine, yes, it’s Nevaeh. I gotta ask, Havoc. And I’m not trying to be a dick here, but what exactly do you want from her? She’s not like Lola. She’s a good girl. Hell, her father is a pastor, for God’s sake. If you just want someone to fuck, grab a bunny. Nevaeh isn’t that girl, and she never will be.” He opens the door and walks out before turning to look back at me as I stand in the doorway. “She’s Amity’s best friend. I know, ultimately, you’re going to do what you want, but I’m asking you not to go there. If she gets hurt, it’ll hurt Amity. And she’s been through enough.”
Yeah, that’s not going to happen. “And what about what Nevaeh wants?”
“She’s a virgin who has next to no life experience. She doesn’t know what she wants.”
“No, she’s not.”