Page 32 of The Good Girl
“It’s okay. I’ll come with you. I should probably head back anyway—we’ve been gone for hours. I didn’t realize what time it was.”
“No, stay. The wind has really picked up out there and I don’t want to risk us both being out on the bike. I’ll pick up some food on the way back, we can talk and wait out the storm. Please?” I give her what I hope are my best puppy dog eyes.
It must work because she sighs and gives in. “Fine, but I really can’t stay out late, storm or not. I have a deadline I need to meet.”
“I’ll be quick. I need your car keys so I can grab your stuff.” She fishes her key from her pocket and hands it to me.
“Shit, can I borrow your phone too? I forgot mine, and the club might need me.”
“Um…sure.” She pulls her phone from her back pocket and hands it to me. “My PIN’s 07123.”
“Thanks. I won’t be long. Watch a movie or take a nap or something.” I leave before she realizes I’m taking her phone with me.
I slide it into my own pocket, hop on my bike, and head to the nearest grocery store to stock up on some essentials before picking up a couple of pizzas. Once I have everything in my saddle bags, I head back to the campsite.
The light rain turns into a downpour, soaking me through to the skin. I’m colder than a penguin’s nutsack by the time I reach Nevaeh’s car.
Unhooking the saddle bags, I toss them in the back seat with my cut, before walking around and adjusting the driver’s seat and climbing in, not wanting to drive with my knees up around my ears.
Taking both my cell and Nevaeh’s from my pockets, I use mine to call Dice.
“Pres?” he answers after the second ring. I hear the sounds of the club in the background before everything goes quiet, indicating he must have left the room.
“Need you to pick up my bike from the campsite and take it back to the clubhouse. There’s a spare key in my office in the top drawer of my desk.”
“I’m on bar tonight, I’ll get one of the club girls to cover me and head over.”
“Good. And for fuck sake be careful with it.”
I hang up before he can ask any questions, not that he should. Prospects know to keep their mouths shut or they’ll never patch in.
Tossing my cell on the passenger seat, I pick Nevaeh’s up from my lap and read through the texts between her and Amity to get a feel for how they talk to each other. Next, I check out her other threads for anything useful.
Lou’s the one I focus on. After a few minutes of scrolling, I realize she’s provided me with the perfect cover. I reread the last few messages.
They loved you! Got a call about you doing another signing in Rome in a few weeks.Givenyourpopularity, they’re willing to make space for you.
I can’t go anywhere right now. Amity was in an accident.
OMG, is she okay? Is there anything I can do?
Not right now. Thanks, Lou.
Don’t mention it. It’s my job, and you’re one of my easiest clients. Focus on your friend and maybe write a little to keep yourself distracted.
You know me too well, lol. I’ll keep you updated. Thanks again.
So, my girl’s some kind of writer, and judging from the messages, she was in London for almost two weeks for a book signing. And they wanted her in Rome. Hmm.
I don’t give myself a chance to overthink it—I start typing out a text.
Hey. I hate to drop this on you, but I’m about to board a flight to Rome for another signing. I’ll explain everything when I get back. Just know it’s a big deal. I wouldn’t leave if it wasn’t. You’ve got G, but if anything comes up, message me, and I’ll hop on the first flight home.
I love you,and I’ll miss you.
It’s weird as fuck texting as someone else, and I know I’ve just crossed so many lines, but I don’t give a fuck. Not when I’m so close to having everything I want.
Starting up the car, I flip the heater on along with the wipers, just as my cell rings.