Page 41 of The Good Girl
“You keep telling yourself that,” I tell him as we head inside the club.
It’s busy when we walk in, but the music’s low for a change. People are still on edge after what happened. Even though the asshole responsible is dead, the fact that we came so close to losing not just Amity, but G too, doesn’t sit well with any of us.
“Yo, Havoc, where you been?” Circus shouts. I look around and find him at one of the tables with Capone and Kruger.
“Visiting your mom,” I yell back, and Kruger laughs as I make my way over, Midas right behind me.
“Anyone see Blade?” I ask when I reach the table.
“He’s out back. Everything good?” Capone asks, looking at me.
“Yeah, all good, and thank fuck for that. I think we could all sleep for a week.”
“Good luck with that. The movie crew is filming here soon,” Crane tells me.
“Apparently they’ve been delayed. I’ll need to speak to G and find out what’s going on.”
Wrapping my knuckles on the table, I leave Midas with the guys and head out back, finding Blade sitting at one of the tables underneath the large canopy with Sunshine, Inigo, and King.
“Hey, Havoc.”
“Sunshine, looking beautiful as ever,” I say, giving her a wink as I walk over and take a seat.
“I’d really hate to have to kill my new president right after Blade just handed you the crown and all,” Inigo drawls, making me chuckle.
“Are you saying I’m not beautiful, Inigo?” Sunshine asks him, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m saying, if he wants to continue to see beautiful things, then he needs to keep his mouth shut.”
I could pull rank, but I let it go.
“How you doing after yesterday?” Blade asks, ignoring Inigo.
“Wasn’t me that nearly died.”
“Not what I heard,” King says, shocking me. Everyone turns to look at him, but then that’s King for you. There is something about him that just commands attention. It’s what made him such a formidable president back when he ruled over the Kings of Carnage MC. He’s also ex-CIA or FBI, if the rumors are true. He might not be Carnage royalty anymore, and he never officially became a Raven, but both clubs accept him as one of their own, for the most part. He might be getting up there in age,but there’s no denying he’s always one of the deadliest men in the room.
“Seems to me if Amity or G lost their footing, you were probably going over with them.”
There was no probably about it, but I never gave it a thought until afterward. All I cared about was getting them both back on solid ground.
I shrug. “I knew the guys were coming. I wasn’t worried.” Mostly because I refused to consider the alternative and there was no fucking way I was letting that rope go.
“It was still ballsy. I can see why Blade chose you,” King tells me, taking a swig of his beer.
“I’ll take that as a compliment coming from you.” I nod respectfully before turning back to Blade. “You talk to G today?”
“He called at lunch. Told me about what you two got up to last night.” Ah, yes, the slicing and dicing of the traitors who ran Amity and G off the road.
“I figured he would.”
“I’ve gotta stop reading. That sounded way dirtier than it should’ve,” Sunshine mutters, making Inigo growl. King grins, dropping his head to hide it, while Blade just shakes his head..
“And on that note, I gotta pee. Move it before I cause a flood. It’s damp enough out here already.” Sunshine nudges Blade, who stands up to let her out.
I smirk as she leaves, turning back to Blade, who’s watching me clearly expecting more details.
I lean back and cross my arms over my chest. “You do remember I’m the president now, right? I don’t answer to you anymore.”