Page 57 of The Good Girl
“It’s not my story to tell. Let him figure his shit out and come to you himself. Just be the brothers he’s going to need you to be.”
“Well, that’s not fucking cryptic at all,” Circus complains.
“You’re all a bunch of nosy bastards. Forget about Hannibal for now. I want to talk about Khan.”
“That fucker contact you yet?” Blade leans forward.
“Last night.”
Capone snorts. “Took him fucking long enough.”
“I expected him to hold out longer. He’s pissed. He tried to hide it, but I know that man better than he thinks. He’s mad as fuck he’s got two men missing. Why? I don’t fucking know. He knew he was sacrificing them. Neither Acid or Knuckles were the sharpest tools in the shed, but he was fine losing them if it meant taking me out in the process.”
When G looks like he’s about to say something, I shake my head. “I know you and Amity were hurt. I’m not taking that away from you, but Khan won’t give a fuck about that.”
“So what did he say?”
“He congratulated me, threw in a couple backhanded compliments, and a mention or two about Lola’s pregnancy and how it’s going, obviously knowing Blade would have told me about it.”
“That motherfucker,” Kruger curses.
“Nah, it was good because I felt nothing hearing it. A couple of months ago, I would’ve lost my shit. But now?” I shake my head. “Driller’s welcome to her.”
“Gotta say, I liked Lola when you were with her,” Toot says. “But the chemistry between you and Tinkerbell over the last couple of weeks… I only gotta walk past you, and I get a damn boner.”
Mac groans and smacks him on the back of the head, and Midas laughs.
“My old lady catches sight of your boner, Toot, and I’ll cut it off and feed it to you.”
He just grins at me, unapologetically, as I steer the conversation back to Khan. “He wants a sit-down. Didn’t say what for, though. He wanted me to ask, but I just didn’t give a fuck.
“Still, I can’t say I’m not curious. We all know this isn’t the last we’ll hear from him. I was loyal to Khan for a long fucking time, but that man I swore to serve… he’s gone. I don’t know this Khan. He’s just a shadow of who he used to be. A smart man would walk away while he still can, protect his club, knowing how close he is to losing it. But Khan’s not smart anymore. He’s digging his heels in. He wants something—I just don’t know what.”
“He probably thinks he can control you. You went to prison on his orders, remember,” Inigo points out.
“It’s not something I’ll forget,” I reply. “It’s easy to look back and say it was the wrong move, but I didn’t have many other options at the time. Besides…” I spread my arms wide. “I’m the king of the fucking castle now, so it all worked out.”
“And that’s what’s really pissing him off,” Mac says. “That despite everything, you managed to one-up him.”
“He’s acting like a fucking five-year-old, not the president of an MC,” Kruger growls.
“You have a plan?” Midas askes.
“I want to set up a meeting, but not here like he wanted. Back at my old club.”
Kruger rubs his hands together. “A little salt in the wound? I’m down for that.”
“Glad you agree because I want you with me, Kruger. G, you’ll hold down the fort here with Hannibal and Midas. I’ll take Mac and Toot as well, and Crane. Crane?”
The man who’s been quiet this whole time looks up from where he’s sitting, and I can see the anger on his face. “It’s a sad fucking day…when brothers have to turn on brothers. I thought we’d dealt with all that shit when Bear died. Now Khan’s following in the same fucking footsteps. We can’t let him get away with what he did to G or our girl Amity.”
“And we won’t,” I tell him. “I want you with me because I’m bringing Nevaeh, and I want someone—specifically you—watching her back.”
G whistles. “I still can’t believe Tink’s your old lady.” He shakes his head and huffs.
“You think taking her with you is smart, Havoc? It’s gonna get ugly. And if anything happens to Tink, Amity will?—”
“Nothing’s going to happen to her. I’ll talk to Nevaeh first, and if she’s against it, I won’t force her to go. But I’m hoping we can go and show a united front.”