Page 68 of The Good Girl
I smile. “There isn’t much here,” I tell them. “And aside from a few baby clothes, they don’t seem to be ready for a kid at all.”
“I don’t give a shit if they’re ready or not,” Havoc snaps. “They made their bed; they can fucking rot in it for all I care.”
I shrug and head into the kitchen, looking through the fridge and cupboards. There isn’t much, and despite everything, I’m not comfortable taking food from a pregnant woman. So, I brew a pot of coffee and look through the drawers until I find a bunch of take-out menus. I gather them up and look through them as I fix myself a mug of coffee. Sitting at the counter, I sip my drink, as the others eventually come in.
“Any more?” Mac asks.
I nod to the coffee pot as Havoc walks over. He picks me up and sits down, placing me in his lap. I sigh and continue to sip my coffee.
“Sorry, I snapped.”
“It’s fine. I get it. The whole situation is messed-up. I’d be worried if it weren’t bothering you. Now, let’s focus on the important stuff. Food.”
He grins.
“I’ve narrowed it down to pizza or Chinese,” I say, holding up two menus.
He takes them from me. “I remember this place. The pizza tastes like shit.”
“Chinese it is then. You guys okay with that?”
Toot grabs the menu from Havoc and looks at me. “You know what you want? I’ll phone our orders in, and then me and Mac can ride down and pick it up. I want to check out the locals. Nobody back home minds us in their space ’cause we give back to the community. I want to see what the setup here is like.”
Havoc nods. “Good idea. We were never going to win any popularity contests, even before I went to prison. We didn’t put nearly as much effort into keeping the peace as the mother chapter does, but they respected us enough to stay out of our business.”
“Despite how awful they’ve all treated Havoc, I don’t want to believe that the whole club is rotten,” I admit.
“Sometimes one bad apple ruins the whole bunch,” Kruger tells me, and as much as I hate it, he’s right.
“Alright, tell me what you want,” Toot chimes in as he pulls out his cell phone, I assume, to take notes.
I tell him what I want just as my cell phone chimes. I pull it out and see a text from Ambros. Opening it up, I chuckle at the message.
So how’s the epic love story going? He fall in love with you yet? Did you fall in love with him? The suspense is killing me. Also, my sister went fucking nuts over the signed book. Thanks again for that. Not sure how I’ll top Christmas.
“Who’s that?” Havoc asks, reading over my shoulder.
“Ambros. I met him on the plane on my way to London.”
He tenses beneath me, his grip on my hips tightening.
“He’s been rooting for you and wanted an update. He’s hoping we’ll find our happily ever after,” I say lightly. He relaxesa touch,but I can see hestill isn’t happy. “His sister’s a big fan, so I signed a book for him, and he wanted to thank me again.”
“You mean like an autograph?” Crane asks with a frown.
I nod. “Yeah. Trust me, it’s weird for me too.”
“So you’re famous?” He stares at me with an odd look on his face.
“In the book community, yeah, I guess.”
“You’re famous, and you didn’t tell me?” he exclaims, sounding almost hurt, making me cock my head in surprise.
“Kinda pretentious to walk around with a banner saying,hey, I’m a famous author.”
“Like fuck it is. I’d walk around naked wearing nothing but a sandwich board, telling everyone who would listen.”
“I’m okay with Tinkerbell walking around—” Toot gets cut off by a growling Havoc.