Page 79 of The Good Girl
“None of us knew what the fuck was going on. Khan and Driller weren’t saying anything, and Lola was MIA. Khan said you got into trouble but wanted to keep it quiet until you had a plan. We were fucking pissed, honestly. We were your brothers, and you shut us out. It went against everything the brotherhood stood for. We didn’t know what happened until you were sentenced, and then you refused to see anyone but Gunther. We wanted to visit anyway, but Khan said we should respect your wishes and leave you alone. When we pushed, he ordered us to stay away from you.”
“That fucking motherfucker,” Kruger snarls.
I don’t even know what to say. I should’ve fucking known.
“That’s not what happened, though, is it?” Elmo sighs.
“What exactly did Khan tell you?”
“He said you insisted on taking the fall for Driller to keep him out of prison, and then once you were out, we were never to mention it.”
“How fucking convenient,” Mac scoffs.
“Khan ordered me to take the fall. Said if I didn’t, I’d be kicked out of the club in bad standing. He needed Driller for theFargo deal, and I was expendable. I was under the impression that you all knew what was going on and agreed and just chose not to visit me when I was locked up. I only found out about Driller and Lola a month before I was released, when Blade came to offer me the president position.”
They’re all quiet for a moment, like my words hit them harder than they expected. Then, without warning, Byte picks up his chair and throws it across the room.
“Those motherfuckers,” he snarls as Mac and Toot jump up and move around the table to restrain him.
“You really didn’t know?”
Elmo shakes his head. “I knew something was off, I just didn’t know what.” He runs his hands through his hair, looking like he might throw up.
Ferris stares down at the table. He must sense me watching him because he looks up, his jaw tense, fire flashing in his eyes. “I wanna request a transfer.”
I suck in a sharp breath.
“Can’t stay in a club when there’s no trust,” Byte adds, shaking off Mac and Toot and heading over to pick up his chair.
“I think a lot of brothers will feel the same way when they find out,” Elmo says numbly, still reeling from the shock.
I look at Kruger, who shrugs, before turning to Mac and Toot. They’re thinking the same thing I am—can we trust these guys? Five minutes ago, I would’ve said not a chance. But now…
“I’ll be straight with you. I’m still not sure I trust you. A lot’s happened. But I get what you’re saying. The truth is, Khan’s poison, and I’m here to figure out how much of the club he’s corrupted.”
“I get it,” Byte says with a harsh laugh. “I wouldn’t fucking trust me either.”
Deciding to test the waters, I tap my fingers on the table and steer the conversation to the brothers sent to kill me. “What can you tell me about Acid and Knuckles?”
“They haven’t changed, if that’s what you’re asking. Still have their noses up Khan’s ass. But you know Khan—he loves brown-nosers, so it works.” Elmo shrugs.
“You know where they are?” Mac asks.
“They went nomad after we heard you were out. Khan said you had some beef with them and thought it’d be better to get them outta the way while you got settled. We didn’t know you weren’t coming back, though.” He snorts.
“As if you’d come back,” Ferris mutters, shaking his head. “Fuck me. I can’t believe this shit.” He sighs.
“Khan told you they went nomad, and that was it?” Toot asks, and they all shake their heads.
“What did Khan tell you was the reason we were coming?”
Byte clenches his fists. “Said you wanted to make peace with Driller and Lola.”
Kruger whistles. “The man lies as easily as he breathes.”
“None of you thought it was fucking wrong that Lola and Driller were together while her old man was inside?” Mac crosses his arms.