Page 83 of The Good Girl
“You okay?” He asks me once we’re outside. “You’re quieter than normal.”
“Are you saying I’m usually loud?”
“No, but you do like to talk. I’m just not used to seeing you like this. You really are worried about your real name being linked to your pen name, aren’t you?”
I sigh. “I shouldn’t be. And honestly, once I did a book signing, I knew it was inevitable. People love taking pictures and posting them on social media, but the picture of me and Ambros together runs side by side with one of me taken at the book signing. And as I was tagged as both Nevaeh and Celeste it won’t be long before my dad knows.
“It’s because of your dad you use a pen name?”
“Yeah, but also because I didn’t want the small-minded idiots back home to judge me for writing romance books.”
“I would’ve thought your dad would be proud of you.”
“He can’t be. He still blames me for what happened to my sister. Besides, in his eyes, romance books promote temptation and undermine the teachings of the church on relationships and marriage.”
He wraps his arm around my shoulder and tugs me against him. “He’ll get over it. And if he doesn’t, he’ll lose another daughter and his future grandchildren.”
I almost stumble but catch myself. As harsh as it may sound, he’s right. If my dad can’t accept me for who I am, then he doesn’t deserve a place in my life. And as much as it hurts, it also brings with it a wave of relief.
The rest of the way is quiet, and when we step inside the saloon, we’re greeted with a warm welcome, which is really nice and feels worlds away from where we’ve just been, making me smile.
I spot Amity in in the crowd, dressed in her running gear. She grins and waves me over.
“Go see your girl. I need to fill the guys in on what’s going on anyway.”
“Okay.” He kisses my forehead and lets me go. As I walk away, he slaps my ass.
“Ouch.” I jump and glare at him over my shoulder
“That little sting means you’ll be thinking of me while I’m gone.”
“You, sir, have issues.”
“Not telling me anything I don’t already know, Cupcake,” he calls out as he walks away.
I curse him under my breath and head to the table where Amity is standing, rubbing the sting from my ass that’s already sore from the ride home. G grins as I approach, knowing exactly why I’m rubbing my ass.
“Don’t say a word or I’ll twist your nipple.” I point at him, and he laughs.
“Wasn’t planning on it Tink,” he says, still grinning.
“Well good. Havoc wants to talk to you. He’s heading to church.”
His face turns serious. “Yeah, Mac called ahead. How bad was it really?”
“I honestly don’t even know what to say, G. It’s bad. Really bad,” I warn him.
He sighs before offering Amity a kiss. “Be good,” he tells her.
“Like I have a choice,” she grumbles, holding up her cast-covered arm. He looks at her skeptically.
“I’ll keep her out of trouble, G. I promise.” I smile sweetly at him. “Now, go before Havoc has a fit.”
He nods, “I love you, baby,” he says to Amity, and her face goes soft.
“I love you too.”
He gives my shoulder a squeeze and reluctantly heads to church.