Page 56 of Rent: Paid in Full
His smile is louder now. Smug and brash. “Oh, we’re definitely doing it.”
“Then put the money where I can see it and get on with it. You have—”Oh shit. What’s a reasonable amount of time for something like this? Fifteen minutes? No. Thirty? I don’t know. I have no idea. I’ve never had anal sex before. How long does it take?
When you think of it, it’s shit like this that’s the exact reason I shouldn’t be doing this.
“One hour.” Miller says it with such assurance that my eyes slide shut, and I find myself nodding.
I hear the scrape of a drawer opening and closing, and then something drops on the desk in front of me. It’s an envelope. One of those long, narrow ones you usually get wedding invitations in. It’s crème and matte. High-quality cardstock. Black ink and block letters that lean toward the right. He’s written my name on it and drawn a little heart directly above it.
It’s the heart that does it. A rampant, hysterical feeling surges inside me. It stretches me out and makes me feel like I’m unraveling at the seams. I can’t tell if I’m about to collapse laughing or if I’m going to punch something. Or someone.
“Wanna count it?” he asks.
I don’t dignify that with an answer. “Do what you have to do,” I say, nose high in the air. “Just don’t touch my dick.”
“No deal,” he says firmly.What?“I mean it, Ryan, no deal. Iamgoing to touch your dick, but how about this for compromise: I’ll only touch it if you ask me to. If you beg.”
I’d laugh my ass off at that, as if said ass wasn’t currently quivering with nerves.
“H-hey, Siri,” I stammer, “set a timer for one hour.”
He chuckles softly. “Like that, huh? Okay, I get it.”
I feel the heat of his skin on the back of my thighs. I flinch on contact and then start to melt. His skin is hot. I’m expecting him to touch me. I know it’s coming. I’m ready. I’m prepared for it, but I have no idea where he’s going to touch me, and that’s jarring and arousing in a very strange way.
Shit. Maybe I shouldn’t have bent over.
Who in their right mind turns their back on a guy like Miller?
“Open your legs,” he says.
It takes me a second, but I do as he says. I shuffle my weight from one leg to the other as I widen my stance, burning in shame and something that turns muffled and thick when I hear him suck in a sharp breath. He licks his lips. I can’t see it. I don’t even think I can hear it, but I know he’s doing it.
“You know,” he murmurs, “I liked your hole hairy. I liked that dark swirl. Liked having to work my way through it to find what I wanted.” I feel unsteady.Why is my head so fucking heavy?“But this? Damn, boy. This hole is so pretty. So little. So pink…”
I can’t have him talking like this. I just can’t. I can’t take it, so I say, “I used your product.” When he doesn’t react with the shock I expect, I tack on, “I do that. I use your stuff whenever I want.”
“Hmm…” He smiles. “I’ve noticed someone’s been getting into my moisturizer.” I balk.What the fuck!? Why am I telling him this? This is dumb even for me.“The level’s been dropping so much that I’ve started thinking you might be using it for something other than your face.” He walks his fingers down my spine as he speaks, moving lower and lower with each word. “Been thinking, gee, I wonder what my good friend Ryan does with this shit?”
It’s a rhetorical question. It’s clearly a rhetorical question, but it doesn’t seem to matter. I hear myself answer. “I jerk off with it.”
A soft, machine gun cackle fills the room. “Oh. I got that, Ry. Believe me, I got that. What I don’t know is why.” His hands slide slowly up my thighs and cup my ass, shaking my cheeks and humming with pleasure as they reverberate under his touch. “Is it the product you like, or is it the fact it smells like me?”
Fuck, he’s the worst.
I want to argue or tell him to piss off at least, but it strikes me distantly that picking a fight with the man currently poised to shove his dick up my ass might not be the best idea. Instead, I shift my weight onto my arms and arch my back slightly.
He hisses and his knees make contact with the floor behind me. His lips are on my ass cheeks in an instant. They’re all over me. Soft and warm, dropping tiny kisses all over me, caressing my skin each time he plants one. Rubbing each kiss in. Rubbing me until my insides feel soft and warm too.
His kisses get harder. So does his touch. He paws at my flesh and uses both hands to pry me open. He lets out a long, shivery sigh.
“Fuckingfuuuck,” he says softly. “I swear I’ve never wanted a hole as much as I want yours.”
Then he licks me. No fucking around. He goes straight for my asshole, lapping at it hard and hungrily, slowing and teasing when I start shuffling on the spot. It feels unreal. Like he’s found a tiny thread that I had no idea existed. A thread that’s been holding me together all my life. He picks at it with his tongue, finding where it starts and where it ends and making it come undone. He takes his sweet time about it. He doesn’t stop until I’m groaning and all but pounding my fists against the desk.
I hear the click of a lid and feel the quick shock of something cold and wet on my ass. Miller strokes my back with one hand and uses the other to open me gently. He works one finger into me, sliding it in and out slowly. A slippery sting that quickly morphs into pleasure. He doesn’t give me a second digit until one of my hands finds its way behind me and starts clawing at him, digging into his side and pulling him closer. I gasp and jerk forward as two fingers spear me. I feel myself stretching. It feels different this time, not teasing or coy. This time, we’re playing for keeps. He’s not doing this to torment me, or play with me, or even make me feel good. He’s doing it so I can accommodate him, to open me, to ease his entry into my body.
It feels good, but mainly, it feels like more.