Page 60 of Rent: Paid in Full
“Yeah, nah, don’t think anyone but you ever comes to this part of the library, bud.”
I don’t think he hears me. He’s already on the move. He leaves his books and bag where they are and starts walking. My heart beats like a drum as I follow him. A restroom sign shows us the way. He pushes the door open, and I go into the closest stall, hardly bothering to check that the other stalls are empty. He locks the door behind us, deadbolt scraping, and my knees have barely made contact with the tile beneath them by the time he has his dick out. I lick my lips and take him without hesitation, sucking his blunt head into my mouth and quickly bobbing on his length. He reaches up and hooks his hands over the top of the partition walls to the left and right of us. He looks almost helpless like that. Arms up. Stance open. His body concave as he curves his spine to get his dick closer to me. I drag his jeans down to his ankles so I can see more of his skin. I wrap my armsaround his legs, his waist, and his ass, kneading my fingers into the soft warmth of his flesh. He groans softly each time I sink down on him, filling my mouth, pushing my tongue down as his fat head nudges the back of my throat. I love it. Iloveit. Can’t get enough of it. Can’t get enough of him.
His dick starts to throb in my mouth, and I feel the tension in his body mount. To slow down and make it last, I pull back and stroke him lightly with my hand.
“I’m going to fuck you later,” I promise, looking at his dick and then his face. “I am. You’ll see. I’m going to fuck you, Ry. And you know what you’re going to do?” I don’t give time to answer. “You’re going to let me. And you’re going to love it.” My hand glides up him, dragging excess skin with it. I speak slowly, quieter than before, “I’m going to love it too. Now that I know what it feels like inside you, I can’t think of anything else.” My hand moves down him, a velvet glove sliding over sinew and veins. “I want you. I want you all the time. Every minute. Every second.” My voice is hoarse and desperate. I don’t make any attempt to hide it. I can’t. “Mm, the things I’m going to do to you, baby…”
“What?” he whispers so quietly I almost don’t hear him. “What are you going to do to me?”
The question is so sweet and vulnerable, and so fucking hot, it almost stops my heart.
“I’m going to fuck you. First, I’m going to pay you, then I’m going to strip you. I’m going to make you ride me. I’m going to lie on your bed and watch you take my dick. I don’t care if I come or not. I just want to lie back and watch you. Want to see you move. Want to see you full. Want to see you come apart all over my chest. Want to taste it. Taste you. Want to…”
His dick swells and pulses in my hand. His whole body freezes for a second and he grits his teeth hard, eyes screwing shut as he bucks helplessly into my fist. I don’t hesitate. I open my mouthand catch his load as it splashes onto my tongue. I drink it, relishing the briny taste, licking my lips and fingers when I’ve swallowed what’s in my mouth.
He’s on his bed, leaning against the wall, legs crossed. His laptop is balanced on his lap. He levitates briefly when he sees me and then slams the laptop shut. A rich, dark heat spreads from his neck all the way up to his face.
I find myself intrigued.
“What are you doing?” He colors deeper, and Jesus, I love it. “Wait, are you watching porn?” I can’t contain my delight, so I don’t even try.
He flicks through several emotions at once. Embarrassment, annoyance, and something else. Something that looks suspiciously like humor. He glares at me in defiance for two long seconds and says, “It’s called research, Susan.”
I laugh so hard I double over and have to support myself with a hand on his bed.
Ryan Haraway just made a joke. An honest-to-God, actual joke. One he meant to make.
One he made just for me.
I drop my bag and crawl onto the bed beside him. Before he has time to tell me not to, I wrestle the laptop from him and open the screen.
“Show me.”
I take his hand in mine, scraping the pad of his thumb against my bottom teeth to divert his attention, and then touch the tip of his forefinger onto the print reader. The lock screen disappears and is quickly replaced by the results of his investigation. At a glance, it’s clear his research has been extensive.
He squirms in discomfort beside me, so I settle him by pressing a soft kiss onto his temple. It works. It distracts him so much that he forgets about how much he hates that I currently have his porn in my hands.
“Power bottom riding, huh?” I tease, reading the words in his search bar aloud.
He shoots me a warning look, but to my surprise, the hard façade around him chips. His lips quiver and he dips his head to the side, looking up at me through his lashes when I sling my arm around his shoulders.
I scroll for a bit and click on the most ridiculous clips I can find. Amateurs falling off the bed mid-fuck? Yes, please. Paid performers getting into a heated argument when one of them takes too long to come? Hell yes.
Ryan sits beside me and laughs until I swear what he’s doing could pass for a giggle. And fuck me, it’s such a beautiful sound it makes me feel winded.
“Oooh, look,” I say, clicking on a link of a guy on his hands and knees with his head stuck in a washing machine. “Here’s one we can try.”
Ryan presses his lips together so hard that the laugh fighting for freedom escapes through his nose. That creases me. I lean against him and laugh harder than I remember laughing with anyone. It’s not just amusement leaking out of me. It’s connection. It’s affection. It’s a feeling of being close to someone in a way I haven’t felt before.
“Don’t even think about it,” he warns.
“Just be grateful we don’t have access to a private laundry room, or you know damn well what we’d be doing next.”
“It wouldn’t even work. It’s completely ridiculous. I mean, how the fuck do you get your head stuck in a washing machine? The opening is huge.”
I grab his head and put him in a headlock, wrestling him down onto the bed.
“Well, you see, Ryan, all you’ve got to do is…” I hit him with a couple of little jabs in the side, turning his sweet giggles into squawks of laughter. It’s a high-pitched, harsh sound. A sound that comes from the edge of the world, from the brink, from somewhere mystical and other, and travels back in time to the present. It hits me square between the eyes and paralyzes me. When I recover, I push the laptop away and roll onto my back. Ryan rolls on top of me. He’s heavy. Muscle and heft dig into me and hold me down. I struggle. For fun. To get closer to him. To feel his body against mine.