Page 79 of Rent: Paid in Full
To drive his point home, he lands three or four soft, sloppy slaps right on my hole. I grunt effusively as I take each one, legs giving way when the last one makes contact. I quickly correct and get back into position, legs open for access, head lowered for no reason other than the fact that it feels impossible to hold it high right now. Miller stands a few feet behind me, leaning against the kitchen counter, drinking his coffee and watching the slow trickle of his nut running down my inner thighs and splashing onto the rug.
As soon as he’s finished his coffee, he penetrates me again. He doesn’t ask for permission, and he gives me no warning otherthan a couple of soft grunts as he lubes himself up. It’s the same as before, though it lasts longer this time. His bulbous head drills a deep well into me, battering my ring and pummeling my insides. It’s heaven and hell rolled into one. I love it. I can't get enough of it. My orgasm swells under my skin, expanding and stretching until there’s nothing left of me. I thrash against him, desperately throwing my hips back for more sensation, struggling as I try to reach between my legs and get hold of my cock. He’s quicker than me, and he’s at a distinct advantage due to the vulnerable position he has me in. He’s the one slapping my hands away now, and I can’t say I care for it.
“Miller,” I groan. I feel myself slipping, losing, giving in, and I don’t care. I don’t care at all. “Miller. Fuck. Please.Please. You said there’d be stars. You said…”
“What do you want, baby? Tell me. If you say the right thing, I’ll give it to you.”
“I want, I want to…”Come. I want to come, I want to come, I want to come. That isn’t the answer he wants though. I know it isn’t. The one he wants is harder to say, almost impossible, but with the right motivation, anything’s possible. Go ahead, ask me how I know that. “You. I want you. Please, God, I want you!”Oh Jesus, what’s happening? Now that I’ve said it, I can’t seem to stop. “You, Miller, please. Fuck, I want you.”
It’s the right answer.
He pulls me up by the back of my neck and holds me up with one arm under my armpits. I arch my back and drop my head back against him, a marionette with its strings cut, limp everywhere except for my dick. Trust me, that thing is far, far from limp. He holds his hand near my mouth, and when I fail to spit fast enough, he simply scoops up a little of the drool running down my face and uses that to stroke me. The way his fingers wrap around me is torture. It’s electric. Euphoric. My balls ache and my belly cramps as my muscle starts spasming around him.His touch is sure and decisive. Devastating in its efficiency. Almost surgical. My vision fades to black, and then bright bolts of yellow and white light up the room as Miller does exactly what he said he would do: he makes me see stars. Celestial bodies crash through space. Silent, fiery orbs of gas that have traveled light years to find me. Semen flies, spraying out of me in thick, sticky ribbons that Miller collects in his hand and later offers to me.
It’s a gift, so I accept it.
He drops to his knees behind me, holding my cheeks open and sighing happily until he finds what he’s looking for. The exact part of me he deems worthy of his mark. He sinks his teeth into the apple of my left ass cheek and gives it to me. This time, I see pink, purple, and red. It’s exquisite. Agony. Almost orgasmic.
It too is a gift.
So I accept it as well.
And though I’d deny it with my last breath, under my skin and deep in my bones, I might even be grateful for it.
The rest of the day passes in a blur. A blur of hands and cocks and mouths. At some point, Miller stops fucking me and makes me eat something. I’m shaking and furious about it. Afterward, he strokes me and blows me and waits for my body to function the way bodies do before they can be fucked again. He talks openly about it, and that makes me furious too. I hate that he knows me like this. Inside and out.
And motherfuck, I hate how some stupid part of me likes that someone finally got through my walls.
An even stupider part likes that it’s him.
The second day is more of the same. A close encounter with the bar stool that lasts for ages and sees Miller carve three moremarks on my ass and thighs before we concede defeat and rest for a while. Most of the day is spent in bed or the shower. When our legs start to quake and we can’t make it from the shower to the bed, we roll around on the floor together.
By the time the light changes from late afternoon to twilight, I’m thirsty and ravenous, lightheaded and high from the excess of endorphins in my blood. I lie naked under the stars and eat my food from Miller’s fingers.
“What’s her name?” I slur, looking back at the cabin. The sad naked bulb in the kitchen is badly upstaged by a kaleidoscope of Christmas color that spills from the porch windows.
“Edith,” he replies without hesitation.
“Why Edith?”
“‘Cause Edith means prosperity.” I don’t ask for more information, but by now, we all know that in no way means Miller won’t freely volunteer it. “Edith is the start for us, Ry. She’s going to put us on the map.”
“Are you sure?” I side-step the crap about our future because I’m too spent to find it in myself to argue.
“Yeah.” He pushes me up to a half-sitting position and moves behind me so I’m leaning against his chest. “See that?” He indicates to the southwestern corner of the property.
“Know what that is?”
“A clearing in the middle of goddamn nowhere,” I say with some confidence.
His smile wraps gently around my jugular. “No, baby. It’s more than that. It’s an access way. The only access way to a major, major development that’s currently in planning.”
“Wanna know whose development it is?” As usual, he doesn’t wait for my answer. “Derek MacAvoy. My old man. He doesn’tknow it yet, but he’s going to buy Edith from me, or his entire development won’t get off the ground.”
“What?” I sit up unsupported and crane my head back.