Page 85 of Rent: Paid in Full
Can't stop though.
Don’t know how to.
I click on the message.
Running late. Meet me outside in five?
I pull up my collar and dig my hands in my pockets as I wait for Miller. It’s late afternoon, and the February air cuts into mybones. I’m in our usual meeting spot on the corner of the street, a couple of doors down from our house. I see a glint of white as Miller’s truck approaches, and I start walking in the direction he’s coming from to meet him.
He traded his Range Rover for a Toyota Tacoma a few years back, soon after he dropped out of college. He never did get a degree, opting for short courses in construction, design, and project management instead. He considers it an achievement and never misses the opportunity to broadcast it to friends of his family.
As the vehicle approaches, I see Miller pulling his cap down to hide the top half of his face. I roll my eyes and blow a puff of steam out in front of me.
Ugh. Seriously?
He rolls down the passenger window and slows the truck to a crawl. A dark shadow obscures a sinfully beautiful face, the hard lines of his jaw emphasizing the fleshy curve of his lips.
He looks around furtively. “You working?”
“No! Definitely not. I’m not a—”
He does this all the time. Never gets tired of it. Not even a little bit.
I turn in a huff and head back toward our house. It's too cold for this shit.
He follows me, engine idling from the low gear, and lowers the window a little more.
“Are you sure, baby? ‘Cause I’m buying.” Teeth scrape over dusty pink flesh in a way that leaves me not entirely unaffected. “And I’ll pay extra for your ass.” I feel his gaze run down my body. Despite the weather, molten honey trickles through my veins. A familiar blend of annoyance and arousal tug at the strings buried in my joints. My thoughts and movements slow. I’m not dancing yet, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be soon. “Hell,I’d pay good money just to see those lips wrapped around my cock.”
“No.” I turn away from him and pull my jacket tight around my neck, pinching my face as tight and prissily as I can. “I wouldnever. I’m not that kind of guy.”
“No? Not that kind of guy, huh? Not the type to take a dick up your ass for money, huh? Ah, I get it. I understand. You got morals or some shit like that.” He stops the vehicle. “I don’t have any of those myself, but I’ve heard of them.”
I smile thinly as the façade cracks minutely.
“Thing is, I’ve got cash and a big, juicy nut with your name on it. Come on, baby, get in. I’ll fuck you good. You’ll like it, I swear. And even if you don’t, you’ll make enough to buy yourself something pretty.”
I reach through the window and unlock the door from inside. I climb in, laughing as I close the window and shiver the last of the icy chill off me. Miller’s laughing too. A sexy-as-fuck chuckle that rolls around in the back of his throat and gives me the distinct impression I’m getting railed tonight whether I like it or not.
Fortunately for me, I like it a lot.
The hours we’ve been apart suddenly feel intolerable, and I can’t stand it for one second more. I throw my arms around him and mash my lips against his, kissing his cheeks and his neck until he squirms in pleasure and everything feels right with the world. I finish him off with a sharp little nip to the earlobe, just to remind him that this bitch bites back. He sucks air through his teeth and stifles a groan.
“Hey, baby,” he says, Miller Miller now, not Miller the Client. “Are you happy to see me?”
I fasten my seatbelt and tuck his hand into its usual spot as he takes off down the street.
I am happy to see him, so I shift my hips to leave him in no doubt about it.
“D’you want me to stop in that alley near the fried chicken place to sort you out?” He looks over at me and tucks his hand a little deeper between my legs, groping my dick harder.
“God, no! I’m not doing that.”
He keeps his eyes on the road and, a while later, murmurs, “Again.”