Page 124 of Sinful Scars
“Everything will be okay, Elle. I promise.”
I wish I could believe her, but after everything that’s happened, how can things possibly work out?
Something has to give here, and I have a horrible feeling that it’s going to be my relationship with Lev.
The momentthe door slams shut behind me, I know it’s all over.
And from the look on Elle’s face as Lucia led her away, she knows it too.
Anton and Danil are standing in the center of the living room, each looking just as murderous as Alexei. Both of them have their arms crossed over their chests, and I don’t miss the handguns tucked into the waistbands of their black slacks.
“I suggest you start talking,” Alexei snaps from behind me as if he can read my thoughts.
I eye the well-stocked bar cart in the corner of the room. I’m desperate for a drink to try and calm my nerves, but I think if I were to just go over and start helping myself to the no doubt very expensive liquor, it would be a sure-fire way to get me killed.
So, I stay put. “Don’t you want to wait for Dimitri?”
Anton scowls. “Dimitri is none of your concern. So, talk.”
I glance at each of the Koslovs in turn, seeing a small part of myself in every one of them.
In another universe, my father brought me back home with him and raised me alongside his boys. I would have grown up in a house like this one and lived a life filled with laughter and fun. But best of all, if ever I was caught in a sticky situation, I would have brothers to call on who would be at my side, no questions asked.
There’s a little part of myself in each one of them, and I feel a deep-rooted grief as I think of what could have been.
I know that Elle is hoping there is still a chance I could have that, but there is nothing I can say to them that will clear my name.
“I have nothing to say.” I tuck my hands into my pockets.
Mikhail steps up to Anton’s side. “You do realize your fucking life is on the line here.”
“I am aware.”
Alexei grabs me by the shoulder and turns me around to face him. “Don’t be fucking smart with us. Elle might think you’re a hero, but I’m not buying your shit.”
His face is barely an inch from mine, and I can smell the coppery twang of blood that clings to his clothes.
“I’m not a hero.” I stare into the eyes of my brother. “I’m well aware that I’ve only had to save Elle’s life because of the mistakes that I’ve made.”
Mikhail nods. “Glad we can agree on that.”
I take a step away from Alexei. “I don’t know what you want me to say. I have no memory at all from that night.”
“Bullshit,” Anton spits.
I’m trying to stay calm despite the interrogation because the last thing I need is to blackout in a room full of men whowant me dead. But the dull ache starts to pulse in my temples.
I screw my eyes shut and try to take a deep breath. “It’s the honest to god truth.”
Alexei moves but I don’t know where. “How fucking convenient.”
“I know how it sounds?—”
“It sounds like a fucking excuse for murdering our parents!”