Page 60 of Sinful Scars
I sit cross-leggedon my bed in the dark, my eyes fixed on my window.
I decided not to waste time pretending to be asleep. After the other night, he’ll know I’ll be faking it anyway, and I want to cut to the chase.
My heart flutters in my chest as I eagerly wait for him to appear, desperate to know if he felt anything close to what I did when he touched me the other night.
I fell asleep before I had the chance to reciprocate, and when I woke up he was gone.
Though, the lingering effects of his tongue were still very much present.
After getting home from dinner with Lucia last night, I sat up for him for hours, but he never showed. I figured he didn’t want to seem pushy or make me feel uncomfortable.
Or maybe he’s embarrassed that it happened…
Is that why he hasn’t been back?
The thought makes my stomach knot.
“Maybe he’s just shy.” I smooth out my hair, trying to ignore the pit in my stomach.
It’s probably a little sad that I made sure my hair looked nice and changed out of my ratty old college tee into a matching silk cami and shorts set just in case tonight is the night my mystery man finally decides to turn on the lights.
But I don’t care.
I’m a grown woman, and I’m free to indulge in a little late-night fun with a stranger if I want to.
That is, if the stranger bothers to turn up.
My eyelids are growing heavy with tiredness as the clock ticks past midnight.
I had the day off from the hospital today and despite having a lie-in, I still managed to fill my day with errands as well as a last-minute session with Dr. Mills, which has left me pretty exhausted.
I’m just about to call it quits and climb under the covers when I catch sight of a shadow moving outside my window.
He’s back.
I hold my breath as the shadow moves closer to my window.
He’s nothing more than a dark outline as he begins to climb over the ledge.
He freezes as he realizes that I’m waiting up for him.
“It’s late,” he says in that deep tone of his that has my blood heating.
“I didn’t realize I had to have such a strict bedtime.”
When he makes no attempt to climb into my room, I start growing anxious that he might bolt.
“Are you not staying?”
Dr. Mills would have a field day if she knew the thoughts spiraling around my head right now.
“Do you want me to stay?”