Page 69 of Sinful Scars
Maybe I could get used to the blindfold after all.
He softly peppers kisses along my neck and jaw as I catch my breath, occasionally groaning as I pulse around him.
“I could stay like this forever,” he whispers so quietly I almost don’t catch his words.
“Can you stay?”
His body tenses, and a heavy weight settles on my chest as he slowly slides out of me.
I choke back a sob at the emptiness, which continues toconsume me even when he settles himself beside me and pulls me against his chest.
“Until you fall asleep.” He presses a kiss to my forehead.
After what we just shared, I’m not sure how much longer having him like this will be enough.
The light clicks off, and then he’s tugging at the ties of the blindfold, letting me finally be free of it while I fall asleep.
Harsh winds whipat my face, and I shudder from the cold. The smell of salt hits my nose, and I catch the sound of waves crashing in the distance.
I haven’t dreamed of the sea in months.
My father used to bring me out to the cliffs of Oyster Bay as a way of scaring me into submission. He would threaten to throw me over the edge, saying I was no use to him, or anyone, for that matter.
What he failed to realize was that I was never scared of drowning.
In fact, quite the opposite.
The thought of closing my eyes and letting the water slowly fill my lungs brought me a sense of peace that I always craved.
A peace I eventually found when I was buried deep inside Elle?—
My eyes fly open, and I gasp as I realize the sound of the water isn’t in my mind but in fact five hundred feet below me.
“Holy fuck!” I scramble away on my hands on kneesfrom the cliff’s edge. One wrong move, and I could so easily have woken to find myself falling to my death.
Where the fuck am I?
I take a moment to try and breathe. Panicking never helps, it only ever brings on another blackout, which could be fatal considering where I am.
As my heart continues to pound in my chest, I glance around to see if my car is nearby. But from the looks of it, I’m completely stranded, with no fucking idea how I got here.
“Fuck!” I run my fingers through my hair.
It feels damp with sweat, and when I hold my hands in front of my face, small cuts cover my skin and dirt is caked beneath my fingernails.
Did I hike all the way here from the city?
There’s no fucking way. It would have taken me hours to get anywhere near the ocean, though from the way my muscles ache and my head throbs, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’sexactlywhat I did.
It’s likely I drove most of the way and abandoned my car somewhere, and the chances of me finding it again are slim to none.
Collapsing onto my back, I stare up at the clear sky and try to think of the last thing I remember.
Which turns out is not a lot.