Page 88 of Sinful Scars
As I chew the sweet pastry, I’m hit with such a violent wave of nausea that I gag.
“Elle? Are you okay?”
I force myself to swallow before reaching for my water.
“Yeah. Maybe that news on an empty stomach weren’t the best idea.” I toss my remaining croissant back on my plate, the sight of it suddenly making me want to run to the bathroom.
“Do you want to come over for a movie night? We haven’t hung out like that in ages. I could even get Mikhail to stay over at Zara and Dimitri’s with Vivi so we could have the place to ourselves.”
“You know, I actually really just want to have an early night.” I instantly regret my answer when the disappointment is clear on Lucia’s face. “I’m exhausted after working doubles all week, but maybe we can get together next week? I promise you can choose the film. Though if you make me sit throughPrincess Brideone more time, I swear I’m getting Massimo to cut you out of the will.”
“Deal.” Lucia laughs, reaching across the table for my hand. “I’ve missed you, Elle.”
“I’ve missed you too.”
After Lucia polishes off the rest of my food and searches through my haul of goods for things she might want to borrow, I leave the café and begin the short walk home.
It feels different knowing that there’s someone out there, other than Lev, watching me.
With him, I feel comforted.
Tonight, I feel nothing but unease.
My stomach churns the entire walk home, and a few times, I have to actually stop and cover my mouth with my hand as I’m hit with the sudden urge to vomit.
I groan. “I definitely shouldn’t have smelt all those body scrubs.”
The sight of my apartment block has me breathing out a sigh of relief.
I want nothing more than to have a long, hot shower and climb into bed and fall asleep to a rerun ofGilmore Girls.
Before I scan my key fob to get into the building, I glance over my shoulder just in case Lev happens to be watching.
When a shadow passes behind a parked car on the opposite side of the street, my breath catches in my throat as I notice a figure with a dark hood pulled low over his face.
“Lev?” I whisper, a surge ofexcitement filling me.
I’m about to call out again when a gust of wind causes the man’s hood to fall back, exposing a head of dark sandy hair that has my stomach sinking.
“Where are you, Lev?” I shake my head, pushing open the door and heading inside.
To try and distract myself from the reality of not being able to see Lev anytime soon, I lay out all my new skincare products on my vanity and turn the shower on as hot as possible.
Soon enough, the bathroom fills with steam, and I lather my skin with strawberry-scented soap and pop a hair mask in my hair in an attempt to try and bring some moisture back into my dry ends.
By the time I’m throwing on my new pajamas and sliding into bed, my eyes start to grow heavy, and I’m asleep before I even have a chance to miss Lev any more.
I should have goneto sleep hours ago. If my parents knew I was still awake, I would no doubt be grounded for the rest of the month.
My parents should be used to it by now. They’re forever coming in to check on me before they go to sleep only to find me sitting at my window with my nose in a book.
But tonight is different.
I jolt awake to find my book has fallen on the floor, the dust jacket all rumbled, and my bedside lamp still on.