Page 94 of Sinful Scars
Whatever it is, it’s clearly important.
I’m desperate to know, but it would be stupid of me to attempt to climb the fire escape in broad daylight. Even if the men Alexei has put on lookout duty are shit.
Twice I’ve walked past the slate gray Mercedes parked across the street from Elle’s building to find both men asleep with their mouths wide open and drool running down their chin. It wouldn’t take much to send a little message to Alexei, but their poor work ethic has come in useful.
It meant I could sneak a rose that I stole from the farmer’s market up to Elle’s apartment last night.
I was surprised that she wasn’t in her bed when I snuck in, but water running in the bathroom told me she’d probably woken up from a nightmare.
It tore me apart not to comfort her, but I had nochoice but to leave. I can’t risk getting caught by Mikhail again because I have a feeling that next time, I won’t be so lucky.
So, I can only hope that the rose was enough to make her not feel so alone.
Perhaps she’s leaving me a little gift of her own…
Alexei’s watch dogs tend to swap shifts around midnight, which will be the perfect time to make my move. Until then, I keep to the shadows of a nearby alley and wait for the hours to pass.
“Right on time.”The clock on my phone ticks over to eleven-forty-five, and the Mercedes engine roars to life.
My pulse quickens as the car pulls away from the curb.
The moment it’s out of sight, I dart across the street and begin climbing the fire escape up to Elle’s floor.
I have less than five minutes before the next set of watch dogs arrive, and I’m really not in the mood for another brawl.
Though when I finally see what it is that Elle has left for me, I wish that I hadn’t taken the risk.
I stumble backwards and almost lose my footing.
“Fuck.” I grip the railing.
Elle’s pregnant.
Those two pink lines have my blood running cold.
How the hell did this happen?
I was meant toprotecther, not fucking knock her up with a child I’m not sure she even wants.
My heartbeat stomps as I snatch the positive test off the ledge and climb in through the window.
The room is cast in darkness, and the outline of Elle’s sleeping form in the bed has me grinding my teeth.
I don’t want to wake her, especially after the nightmare she had last night, but we need to talk about this, and I don’t have a lot of time.
“Elle?” I whisper into the darkness.
Elle whimpers softly as she tosses and turns beneath the covers.
Is she having a nightmare?
I’m crossing the room in an instant, the pregnancy test temporarily forgotten as I try to gently wake her up.
Her cheeks are damp with tears, and her hair is soaked with sweat.
“You’re okay, Elle. You’re safe.” My heart clenches at the thought of her suffering.