Page 98 of Forever Fake
“You saved my life.” This same thought has been replaying in my head for hours now. “That’s why you were shot. You jumped in front of Oliver’s gun, didn’t you? You took the bullet meant for me. You saved my life.”
He grunts. “Not the first time I’ve been shot. I doubt it will be the last either.”
“Don’t say that.” I can’t bear the idea of him getting wounded again.
“You sound like you care about me, baby girl.” The corners of his mouth quirk up.
“Of course I care about you. I care about you very much. I?—”
“You love me.” His smile transforms his handsome face into something divine. “I heard you. When you said to OzI love you, you meant it for me, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” I breathe out the truth.
He grows serious again. “Then why did you try to leave me?”
“I’m not the one who tried to leave you.” She almost sounds hurt by the very idea, but my assumption could be distorted by the painkillers running through my veins. “You broke up with me.Via email. Who even does that?”
I shake my head, but the movement feels funny so I stop. “I’ll admit, sending that email was a mistake. A terrible mistake. I was hurt, and confused, when I went to find you in Italy and Elena told me you planned on moving there. That you only returned to New York to say your farewells.”
“Is that what she told you?” She groans, her cheeks growing pink. “Just so you know, I may have vented to Elena about our relationship. She doesn’t like you very much—or at all.”
“So she lied to me?”
“Not exactly. I did buy a house. But I came back to ask if you wanted to move with me, or we could use it as a vacation home, or… whatever. Honestly, purchasing that place was a spontaneous decision. Once I found out how much it cost, I thought I might finally get your attention.”
“You’ve always had my attention. Every hour of every day. Do you have any idea how each passing day I had to stay here and deal with business ate away at me? How much it pained me to beapart from you? I hated every second of it. As soon as I was free to leave, I went after you, but you were already on a flight home. Then I sent that stupid email and ruined everything.”
Her hand covers mine. “Everything was only ruined for a moment.” She swallows hard. “I heard your conversation with Oliver in the car. Your mother’s things— I’m so, so sorry you lost them. Given the choice you had to make, at that moment I fully accepted that you’d go get your inheritance and leave me to my fate.”
Is shefuckingserious? I study her beautiful, sweet face, and those sad eyes. She’s telling the truth. Which means I’ve failed her far more than I realized.
“Gin, listen to me. If you never hear a single other word that I say, hear this and remember it forever. Okay?” I ask, and she nods. “I love you.”
She chokes on a sob, covering her mouth with her free hand.
I continue, because I need to make her understand like my life depends on it. “I love you. I love you more than anyone else in my life, more than anything—including the tangible reminders of my mother’s memory. I love you more than nostalgia, certainly more than money, and more than life itself. If I had to do today over again, I’d make all the same choices, right down to stepping in front of a loaded gun and getting shot. I’d do anything to show you how much I love you. Do you understand?”
She nods, tears trickling down her cheeks. I wish I could lick them away.
“I was a fool when I chose Liam’s spot at the company over avenging you.”
“Don’t say that. He’s your brother.”
“Yes, he is. But you’re my wife.” I lower my voice. “Don’t tell him this, but I love you more than my own flesh and blood. I’ll never make the mistake of choosing him over you again. You hadevery right to leave, to revenge spend your way through Italy, to try to hurt me in return. In truth, you did manage to hurt me, but not by spending my money. Your distance is what tore at me day and night.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I deserved it.” I sigh, content at having her so close. “What I meant to say in that email was that I don’t want you to be with me because I blackmailed you into this relationship.”
“I’m not here because of that anymore. In fact, that threat of jail time hasn’t been a motivating factor for me in months.”
“All I wanted to do was set you free. To let you choose me of your own free will.”
Gin leans forward, finally placing a kiss on my lips. Fuck, I’ve missed her so damn much.