Page 105 of Theirs to Ruin
“Business Management. I didn’t learn much, though.”
“And why’s that?”
“I was too busy thinking of you.” He wrapped his hand around my neck and tugged me close. “God, the way you came on my fingers, the way you wrapped yours around my cock, clinging to me... I can't stop thinking about how you tasted, how hard I came. And I have so many ideas for our next time," he murmured, his voice dripping with promise and intent.
A rush of heat surged through me, and my cheeks flamed.
“Jesus, you’re cute, Rebel,” he said.
I narrowed my eyes. “Girls don’t want to be called cute, Kage. They want to be sexy, mysterious, intoxicating.”
“You’re all those things but you’re cute, too. And I love it.”
I couldn’t help it. I gave him a smile that reflected just how happy his words made me.
He blinked, looking dazed. “Fuck, you have a beautiful smile.”
“Thank you. So do you.”
Kage took my hand and we started walking in the direction that would take us back to the chateau. Halfway there we passed Josh Nichols and Rachel Berger, who’d been dating since sophomore year. Josh was covered in tattoos and Rachel had one on her bicep, which she’d only gotten after she started dating Josh.
Frowning, I slowed my steps.
“What is it?” Kage asked.
We both stopped walking.
“You said Ava got a tattoo of the Tree of Life. A yew tree. But she’d recently been searching for oak tree tattoos?”
“That’s right. It makes sense because some people say the Tree of Life is a yew. Some say an oak.”
“Yes, but she already had the yew tree, right? So maybe she was looking for oak trees for something else. Forsomeoneelse?”
Kage frowned. “Someone else like the guy she was seeing?”
“Couples get matching or complementary tattoos all the time. If Ava was seriously in love with the ‘him’ she’d drawn a heart around and planned to meet the night she’d died… well, maybe him getting an oak tree tattoo when she had the yew tree tattoo would make sense.”
Kage looked doubtful, which made sense since my theory had so many holes it was practically a funnel. I sighed. “I know it’s farfetched.”
He reached up and ran his finger down my cheek. “Right now we have nothing, so farfetched isn’t bad. Problem is, even if you’re right, who knows if he ever got the tattoo. Even if he did, the tattoo could be anywhere on this guy’s body. Ava’s was on her hip, remember? Not easy to spot. And how do we prove the oak tree tattoo is indeed related to Ava?”
My shoulders slumped. “You’re right. But we could still ask around. Find out if anyone’s seen someone with an oak tree tattoo?”
Suddenly, Kage gripped my arms. “Get that fucking thought out of your head, Camille. You’re not asking anyone shit.”
“Wh—why not?”
“Because if you’re asking about this tattoo, you might find it. You might find the guy with the tattoo. The guy might even be Ava’s killer. And even if you don’t find him, he might find you first. Because you’re asking about a tattoo. Understand?”
Shit. I did understand. He didn’t want me to put myself in danger.
“Okay, Kage. Yes, I understand.”
“Promise me you won’t try to investigate Ava’s death. That you won’t go around asking questions that might piss someone off.”
“But what if I’m right?”
“You told me about your theory. I’ll handle it. I’ll ask the questions. Not you.”