Page 11 of Theirs to Ruin
Oh god, that had felt good.
Instantly, I felt more relaxed. I hadn’t been that loud, I reassured myself. He wouldn’t have heard me.
I quickly soaped up then stumbled out of the shower, dried off, and walked into my bedroom where I immediately stiffened. I’d closed and locked my door but it was now ajar. Kage’s sweatshirt, the one I’d stolen, was prominently laid out on the bed. I wanted to yell at the bastard for breaking into my room, but after what had already happened, I wasn’t pushing my luck.
Ignoring the sweatshirt, I put on a nightgown and climbed into bed. I thought I’d spend hours obsessing over the fact Kage was out on the couch, but I was still floating on the high of my climax and was almost asleep when my phone beeped.
Thinking it might be Bianca, I rolled over and scooped it up, then stared at the message from an unknown number in shock.
Soon it will be me getting you off, Rebel.
Chapter 4
Poor guy never even saw us coming.
Less than twenty-four hours after Billy’s arrest, the police released him on his own recognizance. Even with New York’s no cash bail reform, sex crimes normally didn’t qualify so it was a miracle Billy got out so soon. That should have been Billy’s first clue I was coming for him.
The three of us—Declan, Ryker, and I—watched Billy from the dark sedan parked across the street and down from Billy’s house, a shithole rental in one of the worst neighborhoods in Crimsonvale. Billy had just been dropped off by an Uber and looked like he was mumbling under his breath as he fumbled with his keys at his front door. He sported two black eyes since I last saw him, and I smirked, knowing that under my direction he’d had a hard time of it while in lock up.
I flashed a look in the rearview mirror at Ryker. “Remember, no killing without my orders.”
Ryker rolled his eyes. “Why you gotta spoil my fun all the time?” he grumbled, running a hand through his short, black hair.
Ryker, the older brother I’d never had, was my right-hand man. He cleaned up whatever I needed cleaned up. He was here because I trusted him with my life, but also because I honestly didn’t know how this night would end; it depended a lot on what Billy told me. What Ididknow was that Billy wasn’t going to get away with drugging my girl.
When I realized I had just thought of Camille as mine, I tensed. I told myself I was feeling extra protective because she’d once been Ava’s friend, but that was bullshit. I’d been attracted to Camille since I’d first seen her. I hadn’t acted on that attraction and I hadn’t planned to, not until I’d walked into The Roost and she’d said the words, “Can I help you with something?” then basically called me psycho. After that, I’d known the moment Officer Davis confirmed Billy was carrying Rohypnol that I’d end up exactly where I was.
According to Davis, Billy’s record was clean but that didn’t mean shit. How many times had Billy roofied a girl? How far had he gone? He’d been way too smooth for it to have been his first offense. Even if it had been his first time doing it, I was here to make sure it was his last.
I mean, who was I if I didn’t follow through on the promise I’d made him at the bar?
“We’ll have plenty of fun fucking him up as planned,” Declan said, his dark eyes glimmering with anger beneath the dark curls falling over his face. The guy was in desperate need of a haircut, but girls seemed to like his unkempt, just got out of bed look.
My friendship with Declan went way back. We were the same age, and we both had mafia blood running through our veins, so we gravitated toward each other when we were kids. His father had been a loyal soldier to my father for many years until my father died. Declan’s sister had been raped in high school, so when I’d told him about Billy, he’d volunteered to end him before I’d even had the chance to tell him my plan.
As soon as Billy made it into the house, Declan and Ryker stepped out of the car. They headed inside to lock down Billy and plant the stuff we’d brought with us, including drugs, weapons, and child pornography. I stayed in the car for a minute thinking about Camille.
Camille, the good girl. The serious student. The one who never mouthed off.
That was who she showed the world.
But there was so much more to her than that.
Her smart mouth in the bar and the way she’d ground herself on my cock then got herself off in her shower last night just proved it.
Now I couldn’t wait to drag the real Camille out of hiding even if I had to do it with her kicking and screaming.
I got out of the car, strolled around to the trunk then pulled out a black duffel bag.
When I stepped inside Billy’s house, he was zip tied to a chair seated at his crappy dining room table, wearing a gag and reeking of piss. Declan and Ryker stood on either side of him. Billy’s eyes met mine and recognition flashed through them, followed by fear.
“Hi, Billy,” I said.
Billy whimpered and thrashed around.
“Everything in place?” I asked my friends.