Page 13 of Theirs to Ruin
“To bad those fucking drugs didn’t fuck with your black heart and end you before you could get to those girls.” I clenched my fists, breathing deep, trying to regain my control. Declan’s sister wasn’t the only one who’d been sexually assaulted. Avenging crimes against women was near and dear to my heart.
When I was calm again, I walked over to the bag I’d brought inside with me and grabbed a knife, then walked up to Billy. I ran the tip against his throat, stopping at his carotid artery. All it would take was a slip of my hand and this guy would be dead. My fingers twitched as I thought about Camille and how close she had come to being this guy’s next victim. I had to physically stop myself from killing him.
Not because he didn’t deserve it, but because he deserved worse than death.
Ten girls and he didn’t even remember their names?
I was going to make sure his life was a living hell.
“Tell me what you were planning on doing to Camille,” I said quietly.
Maybe it was because Billy assumed he was about to die. Maybe it was because he was an idiot. But to my surprise, his expression turned taunting, a slow smile forming on his lips.
“I was going to bring her back here and give her the best fuck of her life,” he drawled, watching me take in every word. “They all say they don’t want it in the beginning, but by the end, they’re screaming my name,” he boasted as he licked his lips. “Your little girlfriend would’ve been riding my cock if you hadn’t?—”
I whipped the blade across his face, relishing his howl of pain. I cut him ten times, one deep slash for every girl he’d raped, before tossing the knife on the table. Adrenaline pumped through me as I forced myself to take a step back. The thought of this guy being anywhere near Camille made me sick.
“Gag him again,” I said, and Declan did as I said.
I grabbed my bag and emptied it, placing each object I pulled out on the table. Billy’s eyes widened in sheer terror and he tried to scream behind his gag as he took in what I’d brought with me.
“I won’t be killing you,” I told him. I grabbed a pair of gloves and put them on. Declan and Ryker did the same. Ryker picked up the tattoo gun I’d placed on the table while Declan picked up the knife I’d tossed down. “Instead, we’re going to get you ready to spend the rest of your life in prison, which is exactly what’s going to happen after the police get an anonymous tip and search your house. Anything you say about me, they’ll ignore, but I’ll know about it, and I’ll pay you another visit. You don’t want me to pay you another visit, Billy.”
I made a show of looking at everything on the table. Tapping my chin, I said, “Hmm. What to use first? Oh, these are pretty.” I cracked a wide smile. “I think Camille would think so, too.”
I picked up several road nails and a hammer.
“Now, I want you to start thinking long and hard, Billy. And if you remember the names of the poor girls you drugged and raped, you let us know, okay?”
Chapter 5
Are you there yet?
I glanced at Bianca’s text just as I finished zipping up my track suit in the locker room at a racetrack an hour south of Crimsonvale. Quickly, I typed back.
Heading out to the track now.
You got this! I’ll pick you up tonight at eight.
My good mood subsided. Bianca had been bugging me all week to go out. She told me I had to get over what happened with Billy last month. I’d barely left campus since that night so I knew she was right. I’d finally given in and agreed to a girl’s night out—on the condition that we could leave whenever I decided I’d had enough.
Maybe I would enjoy myself.
Maybe it would get my mind off Kage.
I blushed, thinking about all the times I’d made myself come since that night he’d brought me home. I’d made an Olympic sport out of masturbating to fantasies of him fucking me. And that text he had sent me, promising thathewas going to be theone to get me off soon—my embarrassment aside, that had been so freaking hot.
We never spoke about it or how he’d gotten my phone number because he was gone before I woke up the next morning. The few times Ihadseen him on campus, I avoided his gaze like he was Medusa and one look into his gorgeous eyes would turn me into stone. So far, I hadn’t seen him with another girl since that night. Not even Brooke. Of course, that didn’t mean he wasn’t out fucking a different one every night of the week.
For a moment, I was right back on my couch, straddling him while he wrapped his fist in my hair and pulled my face down to his. My heart constricted as I remembered the lust in his eyes when he told me he wanted something from me and how close I had come to kissing him. I still wonder what would have happened if I’d responded to that text…
Knock it off, Camille.
I was crazy and acting like the child Kage had accused me of being. The nonsense stopped today. I refused to waste my time thinking about him anymore.
Of course, I’d told myself that every day for the last few weeks.