Page 138 of Theirs to Ruin
Kage’s response was to stare unflinchingly at the bouncer. His gaze chilled my blood, but it was followed by a flush of heat when the bouncer stepped aside without protest. Kage and I navigated through the crowd, pushing our way forward until I could see something besides bodies.
At the center of the room stood a makeshift fighting ring. The muted lighting revealed the aftermath of previous battles, with the floor streaked in blood. In one corner of the ring stood Alex, looking far more dangerous and serious than he did when he was smiling and joking around on campus. He wore only shorts, showing off a surprisingly muscular body I hadn’t guessed was underneath his clothes. His opponent, Dexter Huffington, was much larger and had obviously been fighting already given his swollen eye and blood-stained shirt.
I didn’t like this. At the same time, I forced myself to stay because this was the world I lived in. I was choosing to remain loyal to my father, to this school, to the guy who was heir to the Irish mob, and while I wished I was so innocent that I didn’t understand why these men fought like this, I wasn’t. I understood perfectly.
These fights weren’t just about the need to inflict violence. They were ultimately about power, reputation, andavoidingviolence. The more power you had, the less actual violence you had to dole out because the more people feared you.
I looked at Kage. People didn’t mess with him, which was obviously great for me, but I couldn’t help but wonder the price he’d paid to warrant that kind of respect. I remembered what he’d told me about taking a hammer to Billy’s hands and killing Ava’s kidnappers. How each act of violence he committed stained a little more of his soul. I hated that for him. It was Kage’s humanity and goodness I’d much rather focus on.
Kage suddenly caught me looking at him and frowned. “Are you okay? Do you want to leave?”
I shook my head. “No, just nervous for Alex.”
“He’s tougher than he looks. Then again, Dexter is reigning champion.” He shrugged. “He’s also an asshole and deserves to be taken down. Alex knows what he’s getting into.” He reached out and took my hand. “If you want to leave anytime, just say the word.”
Gratitude and affection washed through me and I squeezed his hand. “Thank you.”
Suddenly, senior Cory Wong appeared and announced the fight was beginning. Alex and Dexter faced each other, their expressions hard as they tried to gauge the other’s intent. As soon as the fight was called, Alex threw a punch, a swift jab that connected with Dexter’s jaw.
"That’s my boy!” Kage yelled.
Fists met flesh with sickening thuds, kicks landed with a crack, and the crowd cheered. Dexter executed a perfectly timed roundhouse kick, connecting with Alex’s jaw. The impact reverberated through the room, eliciting a collective gasp from the audience. Alex staggered backward, his face a mask of pain.
Swiftly, with a final, bone-jarring blow, Dexter delivered a punch that sent Alex sprawling onto the unforgiving floor. Alex lay still, unconscious and bloodied as the ref raised Dexter’s arm in triumph.
As the crowd cheered, Kage ducked beneath the ropes and knelt by his friend. He lightly slapped Alex’s face and Alex slowly opened his eyes.
“You know the key to not losing any brain cells?” Kage asked Alex.
Alex grinned, one tooth missing. “Not having any in the first place,” he slurred.
Kage laughed and helped Alex up. From across the ring, Silas shouted about Alex owing him money.
“Let him get his bearings before you start acting like a dick,” Kage snapped.
I rubbed Kage’s arm, feeling the tension rippling through his veins. He walked Alex to an area that had been partitioned off for the fighters. A young girl was there to tend to him. I didn’t recognize her, so I figured she was a nurse or doctor the organizers had brought in.
I looked around, trying to spot a familiar face so I could ask about Ava but everyone was already cheering as the next fight was announced. Two more fighters climbed into the ring. I sucked in my breath when I recognized Ty, stripped to the waist, his muscular frame, tattoos, and scars on full display. His opponent had to outweigh him by fifty pounds.
“Shit,” Kage said. “He’s fighting against Apollo Martin. Dexter has a nasty upper cut, but Apollo has a nasty everything. He’s practically rabid.”
My mind raced with conflicting emotions but one thing I knew for sure: I couldn’t stand here and watch Ty fight. I turned to Kage who was already looking at me.
“Let’s get you out of here,” he said.
I nodded frantically. “Yes. Please.”
We moved through the crowd listening to cheers and shouts but it was like pushing through molasses. Kage kept me close but I cringed at the sound of fists landing and grunts of pain, imagining Ty’s beautiful face and body becoming bruised and bloody. We were almost to the exit when a huge roar erupted from the crowd. Then I heard the ref call the flight.
We both froze and listened.
Ty had won the match.
Kage grinned. “Looks like your ex is more of a badass than I thought.”
Suddenly someone called out on the mic. “Kage O’Hare. You’ve been challenged. Do you accept?”
The noise in the room cut in half as the crowd suddenly turned to look at Kage.