Page 141 of Theirs to Ruin
“Fuck! What are we going to say, that he just collapsed? He has a huge knot on the back of his head. They’re going to ask questions and if we try to make excuses, they’re going to see right through us.”
Kage was so pale. He probably had a concussion if not worse. “Then we tell them about the fight. His life is more important than getting in trouble.”
“And what about the guy who did this?”
“I don’t care! He doesn’t deserve to be protected.”
“I’m not saying he does but Kage just got people to back off from treating you like shit. What’s going to happen when everyone turns on you again for being a snitch?”
“I don’t care about that!”
“No? What about whenyou’re expelled for attending an unauthorized illegal fight?”
“They won’t expel me.”
“After what happened to Ava? Are you sure about that?”
I hesitated at the thought I could jeopardize everything then shook my head. “They won’t.”Even if they do, I’ll deal with it.
Ty pulled out his phone. “I can call 911. Anonymously. We can take him someplace close. Give them directions to get to him.”
“I’m not leaving him! What if—what if something happens before they get to him?” I shook my head. “No. Take us somewhere. I’ll stay with him until help comes.”
“He wouldn’t want me to do that.”
“I don’t give a shit,” I screamed. I was willing to suffer whatever consequences to make sure Kage would be okay. I stopped arguing with Ty and went to pull my phone out only to find my pockets empty. I must have left my phone inside Kage’s car, which even now was still parked outside the boathouse where the fight had been held. “Ty, I’m begging you, give me your phone.” I’d started crying.
Ty ran his hand through his hair. He handed me his phone. Before I could ask for his passcode, Kage shifted. Moaned. Then said, “No 911.”
“Kage, thank God!” I bent closer. “Can you hear me? See me?”
“I see two of you. Nice,” he said sappily.
I shook my head. “He’s seeing double. I’m calling.”
“No,” Kage said. “My brother.” He slowly rattled out a number, though he appeared to do so with great effort. “Call him. Tell him…make sure you say… I need a big ham for dinner.”
“Oh God, he’s delirious!” I cried.
“No,” Ty said. “It’s a code. So his brother will trust you.”
The same brother who thought I killed Ava. “What’s your passcode?”
Ty hesitated for a moment before he said, “7-9-2-6.”
I jammed in the numbers then waited as the phone rang.
“Who the fuck is this?” came the gruff reply on the other end.
“It’s Camille Parelli. Please don’t hang up. Kage—Kage needs a big ham for dinner,” I managed to get out, my voice shaking.
“Shit,” the voice said. “Where is he?”
Chapter 58
An hour later, I watched as Callum, Kage’s younger brother, paced the living room while the doctor checked Kage’s vitals again. Kage had passed out but come to again when they’d arrived. At the doctor’s direction, Callum and Ty had carefully moved Kage into the house and laid him on his side on the couch, which according to the doctor was necessary to keep Kage’s airway open. He’d put an ice pack on the back of Kage’s head and had been continuously monitoring him, including asking him questions to test his responsiveness. Thankfully, while Kage had a massive headache, his dizziness and disorientation had faded. He’d finally fallen asleep about five minutes earlier, though the doctor had told Kage he’d have to be woken up every couple of hours.