Page 3 of Theirs to Ruin
My entire body heated. Jealousy hit me hard even as excitement ignited in my chest and fire burned between my thighs. When I saw his tongue plunge into Brooke’s mouth, a delicious shiver ran through me, right before a wave of dizziness hit. Instinctively, I lifted my hand to my head and Kage’s brows furrowed.
Mortified, I looked away and gulped down the last of my drink.
This was turning into a nightmare.
“Here you go.” Billy slipped another mojito in front of me. I grabbed it and took a large sip as he sat down. “Everything okay?”
“Everything’s perfect now,” I said.
My mind filled with images of Kage kissingme, holdingme, fuckingme. My sexual frustration was on overdrive given his undeniable good looks, his odd behavior, and the fact I was probably the only virgin walking CU’s campus.I told myself I’d stayed a virgin because I didn’t want to settle or be used, butreally it was because Ty had been the last boy to touch me and I wasn’t ready to let that go, even after he’d ruthlessly removed me from his life a long time ago. How fucked up was that?
“So, I was thinking,” Billy said. He reached out and took my hand. “Wanna go somewhere a little quieter and talk?”
I was no longer interested in Billy but going somewhere with him sounded way better than sitting here and watching Kage mouth fuck Brooke while playing mind games with me.
“That would be nice,” I said, determined to wipe both TyandKage from my mind. My words came out slurred, though, which I found more hilarious than troubling. I started giggling uncontrollably.
Billy laughed. “What’s so funny, beautiful?”
“If you think I’m beautiful, you should see my sisters. My twenty-two-year-old sister Bianca is a total bombshell, and my fifteen-year-old sister Elise is a knockout.”
God, what was I saying? No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t stop the word vomit.
“I think... I think I've had too much to drink,” I mumbled.
Billy stood. “Let’s get you some fresh air.”
“Uh, okay.” I tried to stand but fell back down on my chair with a thud.
I frowned.
What was happening?
I glanced up, startled to see Kage standing over me. He was even more massive up close. Despite the scowl on his face, my worry evaporated, and I sighed.
So hedidknow my name. Sweet, sexy Kage. He was just sohot. He couldn’t be as bad as people said. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and smiled, drawn to his scent, which reminded me of cypress trees. It was exactly how our place smelled after he visited Ava in our dorm apartment.
“God, you smell good,” I said. “I stole your sweatshirt when you left it on my couch, you know. I wore it to bed for weeks.”
“How many drinks have you had?” Kage growled, his voice tight.
My eyes flew open and my muddled brain tried to make sense of the disapproval in his voice. He cocked an imperious brow, as if he was waiting for an answer. God, that brow, his arrogance—it stirred something in me, a desire to surrender to his dominance that was at odds with the impulse to push back. I wanted to tell him it wasn’t any of his fucking business how many drinks I’d had. But despite how I’d mouthed off to him earlier, that wasn’t me anymore and it hadn’t been for a long time, so I simply gave him what he wanted and answered.
“Two and one sip.” I held up two fingers with one hand, one finger with the other, and waved them in front of his face. “But it was abigsip.”
A muscle in Kage’s jaw flexed. “Come sit with me and Brooke.”
I glanced at Brooke, whose eyes were shooting daggers in my direction.
Yeah, that wasn’t happening.
I burst out laughing, this time not bothering to restrain my snark. “Maybe you should get back to her before she decides to withhold tonight’s blow job.”
Billy snickered.