Page 79 of Theirs to Ruin
I blinked. "I'm... sorry? One of the chateaus?"
The dean nodded. "Yes, until things blow over. I know what happened in Defense Studies class, and that you’re being bullied in other ways. Since there’s been no evidence of yourguilt regarding Ava’s death, we’ve decided that for your safety, and possibly the safety of others, it’s best you have some space between you and the other students.”
That made no sense to me. “Or maybe I’ll just be isolated enough to make it easier for my bullies to get to me,” I reasoned.
"That’s why you'll be living with Kage."
“Kage?” My mind spun. “The boy whose sister everyone thinks I killed?”
“You’ll also have another housemate. He’s already living in one of the chateaus so it makes sense. He’s a new student from Italy. Mateo Serrello
KageandTy?Seriously? My brain struggled to catch up with what the dean had just said. Sharing a house with them? No way. Our relationships were messy enough without tossing us into a closed space together.
All our recent clashes flashed in my mind: Kage's unexpected hospital visit and our run in when he’d been packing Ava’s things. Ty’s anger and his gruesome past. Hell, we couldn't even get through a regular day without drama. And the dean wanted us under one roof?
“I’d rather not,” was all I managed to say.
"Your father has made it quite clear you’ve no choice in the matter,” the dean said, turning away from me and busying herself with a stack of papers.
Her words instantly irritated me. No, never mind that I’d recently longed for the easy way out, for someone to make my decisions for me, I was more than irritated. I was pissed. “Really? Because I’m almost twenty. Not sure my father gets to decide who I live with. That’s my choice and I choose to stay in my new apartment,alone.”
At my unexpected show of backbone, the dean looked shocked. Then she leaned back in her chair. “Are you certain this is how you want to proceed, Camille?”
At her words and demeanor, I immediately felt like a child throwing a tantrum. A couple of days ago, I’d told Kage I’d be fine if my dad wanted me to return home and arrange a marriage for me. I’d been the walking dead, operating on autopilot, wishing to be anywhere but here. Now I was fighting to stay in my cold, lonely studio alone. Tonotreturn home.
Maybe this was happening for a bigger reason.
Suddenly I realized what living with Kage and Ty might give me.
With more access to Ty, I might to be able to piece together what had really happened after I left Italy two years ago. And what about Ava? If Kage and I set our minds to it, maybe I could help him piece together who the “him” was in Ava’s note.
Dean Miller took my silence as my acquiescence. "Do you have any questions before we proceed?" she asked, already reaching for a file on her desk.
I had an arsenal of them. I started with the most obvious. “Why them?”
She raised a brow. “Is there someone else more appropriate? Because as you know, Bianca is in California. Besides, to put it bluntly, your father doesn’t want your sister pulled into your drama.”
For once, I agreed with him.
“What about Simone?”
“Simone is a wonderful friend to you but she’s not who your father wants. His choice for Kage is strategic given Kage came to me to talk about the bullying you’re experiencingandto reassure me he doesn’t hold you responsible for his sister’s death.”
An unexpected warmth bubbled up within me. Kage’s faith in me and the fact he’d told the dean he didn’t think I killed Ava made me realize that what had started out as sexual attractionon Kage’s part might actually be more. Yet part of me knew that my father’s choice of Kage as my new roommate was probably more strategic than even the dean knew. I couldn’t forget that one of my father lists had listed Kage as an advantageous match for me.
“Your father and I agreed, what better way to get the bullies to back off than to have Ava’s brother vouching for your innocence.”
“There’s no way Kage can know for sure I’m innocent and my bullies will know that.”
“Are you confessing to me?”
“Good. Because Kage doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone. Rooming with you. Protecting you. That will say enough.” The dean’s expression hardened. “As for Ty, he shouldn’t even be here. I’m not wasting two chateaus when the three of you can room together in one just fine.”
In other words, Ty had no say in whether I moved in with him or not.