Page 11 of Theirs to Rule
"Who are you?" I managed, my voice sounding far away even to my own ears.
"I'm Daniella," she said, looking down her nose at me. I wished her voice was discordant and as ugly as what I wasfeeling but it was sweet, a melody that clashed with the chaos churning inside me. "Kage's fiancée."
My heart stopped then started again at a frantic pace. I searched her face for any sign of a lie but found none. My gaze lowered to her hand and the engagement ring on her finger – a heavy diamond planted atop a gleaming gold band.
Only the best for Kage’s women, just like all the lavish gifts he’d given me...
This was real.
But still, I denied it.
“Kage isn’t engaged.”
Daniella frowned. “You’re very wrong.”
I felt like I was drowning, back in the river with Ava as the water pulled me under. Fearfully, I looked at Callum.
It was written all over his face.
It was the confirmation I didn't want.
How could Kage have kept this from me? How could he have looked me in the eyes and held me and promised to protect me and never once mention he was promised to another?
Moira's voice, sharp and commanding, cut through the fog of my disbelief. "Leave. Now.”
Callum said something but all I heard was the finality in Moira’s voice. Leave? Just like that? As if what Kage and I had shared didn’t matter?
I looked at Kage, his face peaceful in sleep. Betrayal, sharp and bitter, twisted inside me. I wanted to scream, to wake him, to demand answers. But what was the point? The truth was staring me in the face, and it was wearing a sparkling diamond ring that flashed in the room’s fluorescent lights.
Without another word, I turned and stumbled toward the door, my vision blurred by tears. The sound of my own heartbreaking was deafening as I ran into the hall. I kept running until I hit something solid. Strong arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly. I looked up into Dante’s concerned gaze.
“Did you know?” I demanded, narrowing my eyes at him.
His brows furrowed. “Did I know what?”
“That Kage was engaged.”
Dante’s eyes widened. And then he hesitated.
He hesitated.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I cried, wrenching myself away from him.
Everyone was in on this. Everyone knew but me. I felt like I was back on campus again, all eyes on me, knowing what I didn’t, judging me, loathing me. Laughing at me behind my back, because I was foolish enough to believe Kage truly cared about me.
“Sweetheart, I didn’t know. Not for sure. I’d heard rumors, but you know what rumors are like. They take on a life of their own. I didn’t want to add more fuel to something I didn’t even know was true. Especially because…”
His words faded, but I knew what he was about to say.
Especially because Kage and I were temporary.
He’d told me how it was from the very beginning. But I’d also hoped things had changed since then.