Page 29 of Theirs to Rule
Dante, with an amused glance back at me, tucked away his erection and opened the door.
When I saw who was on the other side, my eyes nearly popped out of my skull.
It was Kage.
His presence here, now, was both shocking and terrifying. He was pale, a shadow of his usual self, leaning heavily against the doorframe. He looked on the verge of collapse, but he was alive, and he was awake, and before I knew what I was doing, I leapt to my feet and rushed towards him, throwing my arms around him and pulling him in close – inhaling his scent, reminding myself he was alive. He had made it, we had both made it.
When I pulled back, however, I had to fight the urge to land a slap on his cheek for the shit he had put me through.
I crossed my arms over my chest.
"What the fuck are you doing here? You should be in the hospital."
Kage's gaze flicked from me to Dante, a storm brewing in his eyes. "I needed to see you," he said, his voice strained.
"You need to leave," I told him.
“That’s not happening,” he said.
Dante stepped forward. "Kage, you're not well. Let me take you back to the hospital."
But Kage was having none of it. He straightened up, anger flashing in his eyes. "So, this is how it is, huh? I'm in the hospital bleeding out, and you're moving in on my girl?"
"It's not like that, and you know it."
"Plus, I’m not your girl. Not anymore," I interjected, my voice cold.
Kage narrowed his eyes at me. “You’re wrong,” he snapped back.
I was furious. "You're engaged," I said, the words like venom.
He didn’t deny it. Didn’t even have the decency to look ashamed. Kage's gaze shifted to Dante. "I want to talk to Camille alone."
“I don’t want to be alone with you.”
Dante sighed. “Peaches, maybe you should hear him out. If only to get some closure.”
Kage scowled. “We don’t need your fucking permission to talk.”
I took in a shaky breath. “Fine,” I snapped, my heart a heavy stone in my chest. “We’ll talk. And then you’ll leave and leave me alone for good.”
Kage cocked a brow, as if reminding me he didn’t take orders from anyone.
Dante touched my shoulder, and his lips briefly pressed against my forehead in a silent promise of support. "I'll be right outside if you need me," he murmured. Then he said to Kage, “Watch yourself, O’Hare. Say your piece then if she wants you to leave her alone, you’re going to leave her alone.”
Kage snorted. “Or you’ll throw me out of here? I dare you to try.”
Dante shook his head. “You're hurt. I wouldn’t touch you. But if you make this harder for her than it needs to be, when you’re better, I’ll fucking put you back in the hospital myself.”
Once Dante was gone, the room felt smaller. Kage and I stared at one another but then I caught it – the slight sway of his body. He was struggling to stay upright. “For God’s sake, sit down before you fall down, Kage.”
He sank onto Dante’s couch, deliberately put his feet on the coffee table, and examined the place. Then he stared at me while I remained standing, pacing like a caged animal, my thoughts a chaotic storm I couldn't quiet.
“How could you not tell me you were fucking engaged?” I asked. Seeing him in front of me made everything hurt so much more.
Worst of all was the look in his eyes.
Behind his stubborn confidence he looked like he felt sorry for me. The last thing I wanted was his pity.