Page 75 of Theirs to Rule
I could tell Kage didn't like it, but after a moment, he took my hand. "Fine. But you're driving back with me, Rebel. I'm not letting you out of my sight given the stunt you two pulled tonight."
"It wasn't Ty's fault. I threatened to follow him."
He pierced me with a glare. "I don't give a fuck. He took you into a dangerous situation. Let's go." When I hesitated, he narrowed his gaze. "I suggest you don't push me.”
I glanced between all three of them, noting how Ty wouldn't meet my gaze. Either he was too distraught by the connection he'd made between his parents and the others, or he was seriously regretting taking me with him. Probably both.
"Fine. But we need to stop to get supplies for your arm," I said.
“It’s barely a scratch,” he muttered.
"It needs to be cleaned, and if you don't humor me on this, I swear I'm not going with you."
Kage clenched his teeth. "Fine."
We got in separate cars, Kage driving the two of us in an unfamiliar-looking car and Ty driving Dante in his.
"This car..."
"It belongs to Dante's friend."
"Oh." I stared at my lap. “Kage... I’m… ”
“Don’t,” he said sharply. “Not now.”
The silence was heavy, but I didn’t push. I kept silent until Kage followed Ty's car into a grocery store parking lot. Kage parked and continued to stare straight ahead. Dante knocked on my window, and I opened the door. "I’ll come in with you," Dante offered.
I took another glance at Kage, but he still wasn't looking at me. I climbed out of the car, guilt sitting like a ton of bricks on my shoulders and walked into the store with Dante. We headed for the pharmacy section to grab supplies, which just happened to have a display of condoms bigger than I'd ever seen.
I picked one of the boxes up, studied it, and for some bizarre reason said, “Have you ever had a threesome?”
He looked taken aback by my question but said nothing.
"Kage has," I said, and I didn't mean to, but it came out like an accusation.
"I've been with more than one woman a couple of times when I was younger."
I nodded, not surprised. "How did you know what to do?"
“Is that a serious question?"
"Yes. I've never been with more than one person. If I ever was going to, how would I know what to do?"
"Believe me, you'll know. Because the guys you're with would guide you through it and make sure the only thing you needed to think about was the pleasure they were giving you."
"Was that all that was involved when you were with other women? You didn't care about yourself?"
Now I really did sound bitter.
Dante sighed. "Let's cut to the chase, okay? If things continue the way they have been, there's a high likelihood that some combination of you, me, Kage, and Ty are going to fuck as more than a pair."
I opened my mouth to protest, I'm not sure why, but closed my mouth when he stared pointedly at me. "We will get pleasurefrom being with you, have no doubt about that, but the main thing on our minds isn't going to be your technique. It's going to be how many times we can make you come in as many different ways as possible."
I sucked in a breath, staring at him. Finally, I said, "Are you mad at me, too? For going with Ty?"
"I was worried. Just like Kage was worried. He's just having a harder time letting it go. In case you missed it, your boyfriend can be pretty intense."
That shocked a laugh out of me. I nodded. "Yes, I did notice."