Page 15 of Watching Henry
“I think you'll find that I am, Henry. While your father is gone, I'm your nanny, and I'm firmly in charge.” Best to nip things in the bud right away.
“No, you're not,” said Henry. “What about that other woman? The blonde one? She says she's the nanny too. And she looks a lot more fun than you.”
“She tried to hug me,” Emily put in. “She looks nice.”
“But you're probably nice as well,” added Charlie, trying to be kind.
Florence's brain started to spin. She wasn't about to discuss Hadley with the children. She had yet to come up with a plan on that front, but she'd deal with it, just like she dealt with everything.
“Henry, would you like to ask politely about your tablet?”
Henry took a deep breath and then evidently decided to pick his battles for once. “Where is my tablet?” he asked. “Please,” he added, drawing the word out so that it was irritating rather than polite.
Florence also decided to pick her battles. “There are no screens in your rooms,” she said. “I have removed them. We will have little if any screen time this summer. We'll be far too busy doing other things.”
“Like what?” Charlie asked suspiciously.
“Learning, running, playing, gardening, hiking, swimming, reading, so many things,” Florence said. “What would you like to do?”
“I like running,” said Charlie.
“Me too,” Emily said stoutly. “But I also like animals and I want to go to the zoo.” She hesitated, then added: “Please.”
Florence gave her a smile of approval. “I don't see why not. What about you, Henry? What do you like to do?”
“Come on, there must be something. Do you like reading, perhaps? Or maybe you play sports? Basketball? Football?”
But his eyes had lit up at the mention of basketball and Florence knew he liked to play. “Well, we'll be doing plenty of sports, don't you worry. Now if everyone is unpacked I suggest we work off all that energy we collected sitting in the car. I want each of you to run all the way around the outside of the house and then come to the kitchen for a snack.”
Charlie and Emily dashed for the door and got tangled in with their older brother before managing to crash through to the other side. Henry scowled and then took off after the twins and Florence let herself sigh out loud this time.
These kids needed help. And discipline, their father was right about that. But they weren't beyond being helped. A tight schedule, some healthy living, some lessons in manners and respect, she could have them tip-top by the end of the summer.
If she stayed that long.
She heard a yodeling-like sound and looked out of the window to see Hadley chasing after all three children who were screaming with delight. And she sighed again.
This needed dealing with. Whoever this woman was, and connecting the dots she assumed that Hadley had been sent by the children's mother, she had no business being here. As much as she was loathe to disturb Mr. Allan, she had little choice. These were his children, he deserved to know what was going on.
If necessary, she supposed she could get the police to escort Hadley off the premises.
FLORENCE MADE HER way down to the kitchen. Her call with Colby Allan had been brief and to the point. And he'd been extremely clear.
She was in no way to leave his children with his ex-wife's chosen nanny. In fact, he'd already been contacted by his ex, who sounded like a nightmare, and was well aware of the situation.
“I could have her escorted from the premises,” Florence had suggested.
He'd barked with laughter and she couldn't quite tell if he was laughing at her or with her. “Unfortunately, for once Maeve has done things properly. The girl has a contract just like you do. Without getting into legal battles I'm not sure you can get her to leave. Feel free to persuade her, of course, but don't involve the authorities.”
So gone were her fantasies of seeing Hadley surrounded by big, buff policemen. She sighed and pushed her way through the kitchen door.
“The children will have snacks in five minutes,” she said to Mrs. Mercier. “Fruit would be ideal if you could cut some up.”
The older woman turned and put her hands on her hips. “I've just had some cookies come out of the oven and they'll do for a snack.”