Page 22 of Watching Henry
“What are you doing?” Hadley asked.
“Safety protocol, just in case anyone gets lost. It's procedure to have a current photo in the clothes they're wearing right now,” said Florence before turning back to the kids. “Right, if we get separated simply find a zoo employee and have them take you to the front gate where I will be waiting for you, clear?”
The twins nodded, Henry grunted. Florence pulled out a sheaf of papers and handed a stack to each child.
“Here you'll find your assignments for the zoo.” She handed each of them a pencil. “I'd like these completely filled in before we leave.”
There was a groan of disappointment and for a second she was sure that Hadley had joined in.
“And of course there'll be ice cream for when we're finished,” she added.
The twins cheered and before anyone could change their mind or their attitude she led everyone off to the front gates.
“Seriously, an assignment, for the zoo?” Hadley said as the kids went on ahead.
“Every opportunity is a chance to further educate a child,” said Florence, primly. “Would you just have them run around like heathens?”
“Um, well, yeah,” said Hadley looking around at the other excited children in the parking lot. “Pretty much. The zoo's supposed to be fun.”
“They'll have fun,” said Florence. “But they'll learn as well. It's what I'm getting paid for.”
“I—” began Hadley.
“No, we do this trip my way. That's the arrangement,” Florence said.
“Right,” said Hadley, biting her lip. A blonde curl slid over one eye and she blew it back with lips that were a little too red for Florence's tastes. “Right.”
IT TOOK A solid three hours for everything to slide out of control.
“This is stupid,” Henry said, screwing up a sheet of paper and throwing it to the ground.
“Pick that up, please,” Florence said.
“No, this is dumb and you're dumb and I don't want to be at the dumb zoo.” He pulled the hood of his hoodie up and glowered at her.
“Henry, please pick up your litter.”
“It's bad for the animals,” Emily said. “But the assignment is kind of... dumb.” She said the word like she thought it might be a cuss-word and blushed faintly after.
“Emily, there's no need to encourage Henry. Please finish your worksheets.”
“Don't interrupt,” Florence said briskly. “Henry, if you don't pick up your litter then you'll be going to wait in the car for the rest of us.”
“Don't care,” Henry said.
Florence almost smiled. This wasn't getting to her. She'd handled far worse than this. She glanced quickly around, wishing that Hadley was here to witness just how such a melt-down should be handled. But she couldn't see her.
“Very well,” said Florence. “Come along then, I'll escort you out.”
“But—” Emily interrupted again.
“Emily, mind your manners,” said Florence, turning to the child.
Emily was dancing back and forth in a way that was all too familiar. Florence almost rolled her eyes.
“Do you need the bathroom?”